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Eat Organic Omega 3 Enhanced Cage Free Eggs For Hair And Beauty Benefits

My dearly departed husband Michael T is probably rolling his eyes somewhere in the great beyond as I write this blog.

Why?  For years he tried, unsuccessfully, to get me to convert from regular eggs to organic, omega 3 enhanced, cage free eggs.  I wouldn't do it.  I was beyond stubborn.  He was always a healthy eater and knew the importance of organic.  I resisted until just recently.

(Image courtesy of dede13 - All Rights Reserved)

Not only did the "good" eggs, as he called them, always come in brown shells, the eggs seemed to have softer shells and brighter yellow yolks.

Well duh, that was a good thing.  For someone who was raised on White Castles, Steak n' Shake and meat and potatoes (my dad was a butcher, my mom grew up on cattle farm) the thought of enhanced eggs made me shudder.

If you've been reading my blog you know I have been on a journey for the past two years to find foods I could eat that would make me feel healthier while enhancing my hair, skin and other general beauty challenges.

A few months ago while I was updating my research on the benefits of high quality proteins for growing long, strong and beautiful hair I saw my notes on eggs.

They are a great protein food source for growing hair, maximizing gorgeous skin and feeding your body in a healthy way.  They also make great at-home beauty formulations but I'll say that for another blog at a another time.

Although there's been some controversy about eggs and cholesterol, the long term studies show the majority of people actually do fine eating two eggs a day.

Of course you should always check with your physician before eating foods that might impact a current health challenge but in general, eggs are good.

Why Are Organic Omega 3 Cage Free Eggs Better?

Organic Omega 3 cage free eggs are better.  Why?  Chickens who produce organic eggs are fed on organically grown grain.  Ironically, the chickens at the farm my mom grew up on were cage-free chickens.  Which means a much better egg laying environment for the chickens.

In addition to organic grains, organic chickens are fed organic corn, soybeans, alfalfa and flax seeds with no animal byproducts.  Flax seeds are another really good source for growing rich healthy hair and having great skin.

The chickens who produce the Omega 3 eggs are also feed natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA, Vitamin E and folic acid (also great for hair) so that their eggs include enhanced amounts of these key ingredients.

Depending on the size of the organic Omega 3 egg they are 60-80 grams in calories and just 1 carbohydrate per egg.  Fat per egg is 4.5 with 1.5 of that for saturated fat.

It's healthiest to eat the eggs poached, hard boiled or scrambled with no added butter or fats.   Of course if you add butter, cheese or other ingredients those calories are added to the total amount.

Also, if you bypass the salt shaker for a dash of salsa, you're eating healthier and salsa has been known to help speed up the metabolism and help burn fat.  A bonus!

However, if you're going to eat eggs for your hair and skin, consider the organic, Omega 3 ones.

Why Organic Versus Standard Eggs?

Standard eggs may contain high levels of growth-hormone residues which have been linked to a variety of physical problems including premature development in children.

Organic eggs contain 20 essential vitamins and minerals.  You can dump the yolks if you're worried about cholesterol.

Also, organic eggs, at least the ones I buy, come in organic cartons and are certified only a few days old with a very short expiration date.  Which makes me eat the eggs because I am also on a don't waste food kick.

Dealing With Brown Eggs

For me the challenge was figuring out how to get past the brown shells which seem to be thinner.  The first few times I had to learn to crack the eggs to avoid tiny shell fragments.

I figured it out.  It depends on how hard you crack them.  Just in case I always keep a clean spoon handy to fish our fragments.

Then it occurred to me.  Ahhhh, the brown eggs look like they've been dipped in milk chocolate.  It's amazing what can happen when you adjust your attitude.  Right?

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