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Egg Hair Treats

Introduction - Egg Hair Treats

Deviled Eggs From Wikipedia

Although I recently wrote about egg hair treats for healthy tresses, I personally am not a huge fan of eating eggs.

Although I know eggs are a great source of protein for growing long, strong and healthy hair, I have to work hard to trigger my taste buds for any type of egg treats.

I will confess I have no problem downing chocolate Easter eggs, cut those are not exactly the best egg hair treats.

Recently I decided to do a taste test on a variety of eggs from different sources. I made my way to the local Whole Foods Market where I purchased free range eggs with a variety of enriched ingredients such as Omega 3.

While testing all the different eggs I discovered some recipes for deviled-eggs which made my egg sampling more fun.

Deviled eggs can be amped up to make them the perfect egg hair treats. When I say amped up, I mean adding healthy hair inducing ingredients like avocados or even some chopped up nori.

Avocados From Wikipedia

Summer is a great time for deviled eggs. The key is to be very careful to follow good egg preparation, storage and refrigeration rules to avoid any type of potential for food poisoning.

Listed below is the deviled-egg recipe I used to make my basic egg hair treat formula.

8 hard-boiled extra large eggs (cooled to facilitate handling)

1/3 cup of mayonnaise (store bought or home made)

2 teaspoons of Dijon mustard or similar

1/4 teaspoon of coarse-ground pepper

1/4 teaspoon of salt (optional if on a low-salt diet)

1/8 teaspoon of paprika

Preparation - Egg Hair Treats

Peel eggs and cut in half lengthwise. Place cooked yolks gently scooped out of the whites in a separate bowl. Mash the cooked yolks and add the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, pepper and salt. Once the egg yolks are mashed to the desired consistently carefully spoon them into the empty cook whites.

Note: For the best looking deviled eggs you may wish to use a pastry bag.

Sprinkle the tops with paprika before service. Either serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. Avoid allowing deviled-eggs to be unrefrigerated at any time.

Optional Egg Hair Treats - Avocado Or Nori

Nori Seawood Sheets From Wikipedia

Avocado is a wonderful healthy hair food. So is nori. You can use either or both ingredients to amp up your egg hair treats.

Mash half a ripe avocado into the yolk mixture. This will give your deviled eggs a wonderful new flavor and a slightly different hue.

You can grind the nori up into flakes and sprinkle on top of the eggs with the paprika or sprinkle around the outside of the egg whites to create a nori ring. You can also use parsley in lieu of nori.

If you prefer, you can add nori flakes to the yolk mixture with or instead of the avocado. It provides a great egg hair treat but does not significantly alter the taste of the deviled eggs.

For a different flavor substitute copped black olives for all or part of the salt. The black olives are also a wonderful hair food and make for a unique egg hair treat option.

The great thing about deviled eggs, besides the fact that they are a great egg hair treat, is that they are a wonderful appetizer, great on a picnic (when they can be kept refrigerated) or as a party finger food.

Even better, they are great for your tresses.

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