Let me start by admitting I am a huge Whoopi Goldberg fan. I could rattle off all the different movies she's been in that have made me laugh until I cried but instead I'll just say I think she's perpetually hilarious.
I don't watch The View very often, mainly because I just don't have time. The way it is I barely get through everything I am committed to watching on a daily basis which includes Ellen (been watching /Tivo-ing her, since her very first show), various news shows and evening shows (there is a huge list of those suckers).
However, when I do watch The View it's because I love Whoopi. When I heard she was going to phone in (Monday 02/23/09) her comments about her appearance on the recent Academy Awards I had to stop and catch the show. I Tivoed it and finally caught it early this morning.
The View Ladies
The gals - Barbara Walters (aka Babs), Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbech and Sherri Sherperd - were very supportive of Whoopi, her gown (which many critics panned) and her speech.
Whoopi, for those not in the know, was one of the five past Academy Award winners for Best Supporting Actress (the other four included Angelina Huston, Goldie Hawn, Tilda Swinton, Eva Marie Saint) who gave a tribute to this year's five nominees. Whoopie was present to honor Amy Adams who was nominated for her role as a nun in Doubt. Whoopi's tribute was hilarious. What else would her fans expect?
Whoopi's Speech In Honor Of Amy Adams
Whoopi's Academy speech went like this: "it's not easy being a nun. Take it from one who's been there and back. First of all, your face never looks thin, you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always off screen", at which point she pointed upwards towards the sky.
Cross Country Bus Trip
Going to Academy Awards was no easy feat for Whoopi who never, ever flies, as Barbara mentioned. Nope, she always takes the bus. Her special bus. I had heard this before but had forgotten. So yes, getting from New York where The View is shot to Los Angeles, where the Academy Awards is filmed is quite a trip.
Whoopi was actually phoning into The View from her own private bus which she said "was somewhere near Winslow, Arizona" at the moment. She said "she left later that she had wanted to" for her return trip to New York but had her daughter with her and promised to be back in the View studios in time for Wednesday's show."
When asked by Joy Behar if "the trip was worth it?" Whoopi replied "I hemmed and hawed" throughout the entire trip "but I gotta tell you, when I stepped out onto that stage (at the Academy Awards) and looked to the left and the right and saw I was part of this club and we were welcoming a new member I thought, my gosh, I'm really proud to be here." Yes, it was worth the cross-country bus trip for Whoopi.
After Oscar Parties
The fabulous comedian confessed she had not gotten "any sleep" even though she had planned to. She explained she went to two parties. Whoopi went to "see Elton John" and stopped to see her friend "Dani Janson". Although those were the only parties she made it to, she confessed "that was all that was needed."
Whoopi addressed Sherri and Elisabeth with "you would have gone nuts over the clothing and Sherri you would have gone nuts over the men." Sherri squealed with delight and Barbara wanted to know more details about the man comment.
Daniel Craig Is Amazing To Look At
The funny lady said "I'm telling you. Even I did a couple of double takes." She said "Daniel Craig is amazing to look at. He is a fantastic man." Joy mentioned "Hugh Jackman is a gorgeous man too." Whoopi agreed and said she thought he did a great job (as the host of the Academy Awards). When asked if she had talked to Hugh the former hostess of the Academy Awards said "I told him to have a good time."
At that point Barbara told Whoopi to have a good bus trip back and that they missed her. It was agreed Whoopi would wear her Academy Award gown to the Wednesday show. Babs said we will see you "sashay out in that dress".
My thoughts on Whoopi's dress? She said she "loved it" and that's the most important thing. Right?Please follow us on Twitter at: https://Twitter.com/HairBoutique. I look forward to meeting new people from all walks of Twitter and learning from their Tweets.