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Rachel Crow Has Big Curls To Match Big Voice

Rachel Crow Has Big Curls To Match Big Voice

Rachel Crow on X Factor

Rachel Crow is a 13-year-old singing sensation on Fox/TV's  The X Factor.  She is also a favorite of judge Simon Cowell who compared the curly haired artist to a younger version of Beyonce.

Keep in mind that Rachel's celebrity coach is Cowell who has the Girls Category.  It's been difficult watching all the hard choices the judges have had to make as the finalist list continues to get cut down by a combination of viewer and judge scores.

It's still relatively early on The X Factor, but critics believe that since Cowell has already compared Rachel to one of this generation's most successful recording artists, he's going to have to make sure she continues in the talent contest.

No question Crow is talented.  She is one of my own personal favorites because of her voice, her obvious talent, her cute personality and the inner light which appears to shine from within.

Headful Of Spectacular Natural Curls And Coils

She also has a head of spectacular natural curls which have been tamed by the X Factor stylists into a series of glorious hairstyles which show off her natural coils.

Rachel Crow

At first I was a little worried that like the contestants on American Idol her natural hairstyle would be flat ironed into oblivion.  Luckily the X Factor hair and beauty experts are flaunting Rachel's natural hair textures and spunky looks.

Her already big head of curls has actually appeared to get bigger, but in a controlled and fashionable way.  I've really loved some of her natural looks including when all of her hair has been pushed to one side to showcase her fun filled attitude.

Fun Watching The Transition

It's been fun watching the transition Rachel has undergone since she first set foot at her very first audition.  As she survives each additional elimination the 13 year old talent becomes visibly more confident and self-assured.

It's beautiful to watch.  And of course her hair has transitioned right along with her attitude.  She has come a long way since just the beginning of the contest.

Ironically Rachel has a hidden past which is hard to believe in light of her positive and upbeat attitude.

Rachel Crowe on X Factor

Rachel's adoptive mother, Barbara Crowe recently told The New York Post “She was born a crack baby and actually lived in a crack house and suffered a lot of abuse.”

Barbara Crow also said “She (Rachel) came to us through Social Services. In situations like that, it is a little more dangerous, so they keep everything sealed. It is not like entering into a typical private adoption. This is where parental rights were terminated, and the child suffered a lot of abuse.”

Even though she started life in a difficult place Rachel's mom said “But she is totally unaffected by it. She never looks at her past in a sad way. She looks at it as that is what made her the person she is.”

The budding young star refers to her adoptive parents as her "real parents" and does not even wish to acknowledge or discuss her biological parents in any way.  If anyone tries, she instantly shuts them down.

Rachel says that if she wins the $5 million dollar prize, she will use some of that money to help other adoptive and foster children achieve their dreams.

With Simon Cowell in her court it's possible Rachel Crow will be on the music landscape for some time to come, whether she wins X Factor or not.


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