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Long Hair Boredom Can Happen To Anyone

Long Hair Boredom Can Happen To Anyone

Sandra Bullock With Long Hair

Yes, it happens to the best of all of us. We somehow get bored with our tresses resulting in the hair yucks. What to do you say?

Many people think of cutting as a first option when suffering strand boredom.   If you have long hair you've nurtured for years, the absolute worst thing you can do is search for a hairdresser equipped with a pair of scissors or to reach for your own.

Beware of cutting in haste and repenting in leisure.  It's a very real hair syndrome.

If you must consider scissor action, take an armed hair guard with you, or a friend you can trust.   The worst thing you can do is wake up after a scissors session and mourn the hair you've spent many years growing.

Long Hair Boredom Busters

What can you do if you love your long hair, but suffer through a random bout of hair boredom?  Consider the options below:

1.  Add a carefully designed fringe to blend in with the rest of your long hair.

2.  If you already have a fringe then consider growing it out for a brand new look.

3.  Whether you add bangs or grow them out, you can bust your long hair boredom by playing with bold hair clips.

4.  Change your existing part to a different location or add a brand new part.

Brunette With Long Hair

5.  Play with new styling products including gels, pastes, setting sprays, creams and serums.

6.  Braid your hair in a myriad of new ways from tiny accent braids to full-basketweave styles.

7.  Make a commitment to spend more time on Search & Destroy (S&D) to eliminate split ends.

8.  Give yourself a long and relaxing scalp massage (beware of rough nails on the scalp) with HairTopia Beautiful Hair Oil or similar jojoba or aromatherapy oils.

9.  Experiment with a new form of cleansing.  If you've never performed a Diluted Shampoo (DS), Condition Only Wash (COWash) or a Water Only (WO) cleanse then you may want to try it now.

10.  Add a few high lights and low lights around the hairline to brighten up your skin and eyes.

11.  Buy new hair toys and accessories to play with new look.

12.  Play with dry shampoo.  Either make your own recipe from a corn starch base or opt for a favorite brand like Rene Furterer.

13.  Experiment with an array of hats which always change up a hair look.

14.  Wrap long tresses into an array of pony tails or pig tails.

15.  Have fun with some new updos, twists and buns.

16.  Invest in a new Mason Pearson or Kent brush or that special comb you've been lusting after.

17.  Shop for a new shower head which will make your long tresses shimmer and shine.

18.  Start a new hair growth journal or visit's HairTalk board to start your own hair blog.

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