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Vin Diesel Made Bald Cool Again

According to Jimmy Kimmel, like Michael Jordan, Mr. Clean and Kojack, Vin Diesel has made bald cool again.

Vin was recently on Jimmy Kimmel to discuss the reprisal of his role as Dom in Fast And Furious.  Looking hot in dark jeans, dark top and a shiny black leather jacket, Vin Diesel strolled out to chat with Jimmy.

(Image of Vin Diesel - at the Los Angeles Premiere of 'Fast and Furious'. Gibson Amphitheatre, Universal City, CA. 03-12-09 - - All Rights Reserved).

Jimmy said it was nice to meet Vin.  Apparently they never had met before Vin's appearance on the show.

Mr. Kimmel asked Vin "how does one become a big action movie star?  Like how do you get into that?"  Vin smiled and said "where do you start?"  Jimmy said "yeah, where did you start?"

Vin said "while I was unemployed for a long time and I spent a lot of time in the gym while I was unemployed."  Jimmy laughed and said "that's where I went wrong."

Vin agreed with Jimmy "yeah, yeah.  I was a bouncer in New York City and you work out.  I was a bouncer so I could have my days free to work in theater.  And the only thing you have to do when you're a bouncer is go to the gym." 

Jimmy said "just so you can intimate people so you can avoid violence.  Right?"

Vin shook his head in agreement "you try to avoid as much violence as you can."   Jimmy said "did you really try to avoid violence?"  Vin said "of course I did."  Jimmy said "every once in awhile did you and the guys enjoy taking someone outside and...."

Vin said "heyyyyyyyy."  Jimmy continued "and treating them to a lesson of some kind?" Vin said "what are you trying to do, get me arrested?"  Jimmy laughed "I think the statue of limitations have got to be up."  Vin replied "yeah, I hope so, I hope so."  Jimmy answered "did you ever really beat the crap out of somebody?"

Vin smiled but looked a little uncomfortable.  He said "this is where Vin takes the cup of water."  Jimmy said "a drink?"  Vin continued "and thinks about his answer."

Jimmy said "this is where Jimmy tells Vin he put truth serum in the water."  Vin laughed loudly and put his water down.  Jimmy said "now I'm going to ask you again."  Vin said "I was actually one of those bouncers that would stop the other bouncers from going overboard."  Jimmy said "I gotcha."  Vin said "if the guy was already passed out and you had...."

Jimmy was laughing "ummm hum he's already passed out?"  Vin continued "and you have like 350 pound bouncers jumping up and trying to land on his head."  Jimmy "actually bouncing on him."  Vin "exactly.  That's where you would see me going 'hey man lets" Jimmy finished his sentance "take it easy on the guy."  Vin nodded in agreement.  "yeah".

The bouncer would go "get off me Vin I wanna shout up, bing...and he punched his hands as demonstration."  Jimmy said "so you were over there saving people's lives."   Vin "I was doing my part."  Jimmy "and then how do you go from the gym to um ...."

Feature Films At Used Car Prices

Vin "where I started acting at 7 years old. I come from an artist's housing in New York City.  Everyone was an artist and my father was a theater director and an acting teacher.  But my mother, when I was about 25 years old after 20 years of not getting work got me this book titled Feature Films At Used Car Prices."

Jimmy said "really?"  Vin "yeah."  Jimmy "and so it was a guide on how to make a movie?"  Vin "it essentially teaches you how to make a movie for $11,000 dollars JK "Wow" and it more than anything empowered me that I could feel like no one was writing a role for me, I could write my own."

Jimmy "Mom Diesel handed you this book?"  Vin "Mom Diesel all the way."  Jimmy "rarely will a parent encourage their kid to get into something as pie in the sky."

Vin "totally, and she wasn't the theater influence.  So it was random almost, that.  She was an astrologist."  Jimmy "oh wow, so she must have seen it in the stars.  Vin said "she somehow" and gestured his hands.  Jimmy "and then you went on to make your own movies."

Short Film - A Multi Facial

Then I directed my own short film called A Multi Facial and we went to Caan with that and then I directed a feature film called Strays and which I made the money by telemarketing."  Jimmy "oh really, by actually calling people and?"  Vin "yeah like trying to sell tools over the phone."  Jimmy " you were selling tools?  Did you sell a lot of tools?"  Vin "yeah, I was good, I was good."  Jimmy "you were good at it?"

Telemarketing Secrets

Jimmy "what would you do, what would be the pitch if I was at home?"  Vin "now all the telemarketers at home are going to be so angry once I divulge this secret."  Jimmy "or maybe they will be inspired by this and they'll go out and buy their own book."  Vin agreed "this is true maybe they will go out and become a movie star."

Jimmy "how do you do it?"  Vin " you go like this,  you say hey, you pick up the phone and you say...hey Joe...I got an incredible deal on rough surface light bulbs.  No the lightbulbs you have are just obsolete, they won't work.  You need my case, 144 of them.  And they say, what are you talking about and I say I'll give them to you for $299."  They say "you're crazy Sal, that's too much money. Hang on a second let me see if I can get the boss over here."

Then Vin pretends to put the phone down and then pick it up and pretends to have a different voice and says "hello Joe, my hip's out at the moment, but you've been with me for so long...I'll give it to you...."

Jimmy said "really, that would work?"  Vin laughed and nodded "it would work, it would work.  All the tool salesman around the world are going 'Vin you're giving away all....."  Jimmy asked "were they good bulbs?  Did you ever get a hold of any?"  Vin said "they were great bulbs"  and Jimmy said "well they sell themselves practically."

Vin said "my god, the pitch we had on these bulbs, you could run over them with a could drop them..."

Jimmy "that's pretty great, that's a great story."  Vin said "I did that with a friend of mine named John Salli and we literally saved $47,000 and went to New York and shot Strays."

Going To Sundance

Jimmy said "wow and then from there..?"  Vin "and then we go to Sundance, I thought I was gonna sell the movie, I didn't sell the movie.  Yeah, it wasn't good."  Jimmy said "uh huh you should've gotten the boss on the phone."  Vin agreed "I should've put the boss on the phone."  Jimmy said "hellloooooo Miramax."

Connecting With Stephen Spielberg

Vin "that's exactly who we were targeting but we didn't get it.  I come back home I;m like oh my god, I didn't sell this movie.  A couple of weeks later I get a call from Steven Spielberg and he's telling me he's doing a movie JK "wow" called Saving Private Ryan with a guy named Tom.  And I'm like Tom who?  I didn't know.  And he says 'that's good Vinny, keep that, keep that, don't ever lose that."

Jimmy "really, wow and did you say I have to direct or I'm not doing it?"  Vin "I did say that."  Jimmy "did you hold out?"  Vin "I mean I was that guy, I was the guy who would show on set 20 minutes earlier than anybody else and I would be like...Steven I have this great story idea that would really work.  You don't have to kill my character so fast.  It could be a boxer from Brooklyn.  Take out his arm, ruin his career."

Jimmy "and Steven Spielberg, when you got the phone call from Steven Spielberg did you believe it was him?"  Vin "I didn't believe it first, at first it caught me off guard because it was at 9:00 in the morning which wasn't my normal hour."  Jimmy teased "uh huh so you got up much earlier than that?"  Vin "yeah, yeah, but it was hard to believe at first.  He didn't have a role in the script.  He had seen Multi Facial and had a writer named Frank Daravan wrote the role for me in the movie.  So I didn't see the script until I got on the plane to Ireland."

Spielberg Hosted 30th Vin's Birthday

Jimmy "wow that is unbelievable."  Vin  "yeah that was nice." Jimmy "yeah, I would think so and now you're a big, big star."  Vin "it was the first time I had health benefits as an actor."  Jimmy "did you sent Mr. Spielberg a gift basket or anything like that?"  Vin "yes of course, well he threw my 30th birthday at the Dorchester in London."  Jimmy "wow, he does one favor for you after another.  He's never done anything for me."

Vin said "are you serious?"  Jimmy shook his head vigorously "never, not even a call, 9 in the morning, 10.  Vin said "Jimmy this guy was so nice."  Jimmy "that make's it worse"  Vin said "when I wasn't shooting he said Vinny I love having you on the set.  I'm going to give you a 35 millimeter camera to operate for one of these shots."  Jimmy "wow"  Vin "yeah, its the shot where the terodactyl, cause I'm running ....there's not really terodactyls....

Jimmy "now we're thinking of Jurassic Park."  Vin "its totally Jurassic Park, you're totally mixing the films."  Jimmy "no you weren't on that one."  Vin "no for some reason I don't think they thought it was believable that a T Rex could take me down.  I don't know."  Jimmy "there's not a T Rex alive that could take you down.  You're Vin Diesel for God's sake."

Car Porn

Jimmy went to break and when he came back he played a hot car chase clip from the movie.   Jimmy "by the way if people are into cars, this movie is like car porn, it really is."  Vin laughed.  Jimmy said "its unbelievable these cars.  Are you, are you a race car driver in real life at all?"

Vin said "you know I can do things in a car."  Jimmy laughed "like turn the radio on?  Vin "yeah, yeah" I'm from New York City so I'm great in the subway.  Jimmy said "you're great in a cab."  Vin "you should see me in the subway. No one is faster."  Jimmy "you don't even have to hold the thing (the rail?"  Vin "no.  When we were kids we were so crazy growing up in New York.  We used to play in between the subway cars.  And do the craziest things."

Jimmy "It's amazing when you think back of the stupid things you did. You have a kid.  You can't let them out of the house because they have that gene you have."

Vin "Yeah I know.  My daughter, and it's her birthday today.  She's a year old and she was crying as I was coming to the Kimmel show."

Jimmy felt bad.  He said "I didnt mean to make her cry"  Then he said to one of his sidekicks "run out and get her something."  A few minutes later one of Jimmy's sidekicks arrived with flowers that they stole from The Green Room.  It was pretty hilarious.

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