Howie Mandel was a guest on The Ellen Show on Friday, April 3rd, 2009. He talked about a wide range of topics ranging from a bizarre moustache from the eighties to a crazy parrot that swore at him. This is nothing new, Howie always talks about a lot of crazy topics. The very funny host of NBC's Deal Or No Deal talks a mile a minute. It's hard to keep up with him.
Gigantic Plastic Human Ball
After chatting with Howie about a variety of topics Ellen asked about the gigantic plastic ball she gave him as a gift during his last visit. The funny lady asked Howie "are you using that ball that we gave you the last time you were here, speaking of germs" Howie said "yeah, I don't know if you saw it but the last time I was here, she gave me" and the camera cut over to a clip of Howie in his plastic bubble from Ellen.
(Image of Howie Mandel - Host of NBC’s Deal Or No Deal - NBC Photo: Trae Patton - on NBC (8-9 ET). All Rights Reserved).
Howie said "it was the gift of my life, that was it." He said "not only do I use it but the entire family is using it. I'm a soccer dad I went out to the field. He looked over and said "do you have a picture of my daughter playing soccer? There she is." The camera showed Howie's daughter playing soccer in his giantic plastic bubble.
Ellen said "wow" when she saw the photo. Howie said "that's her own, the whole family is into it and now with cold and flue season it's wonderful. We're together."
Ellen said "you have your own balls." Howie laughed and said "I'll just leave it at that...yes."
A Fan Of Cute Little Animals
Howie said "and you know what else you reminded me of? I was watching, I'm a big fan, I watch all the time but I was watching backstage, but when I'm here, it's in the room, ya know." Ellen laughed and said "it's easier." Howie agreed "yes, but I didn't know you were such a fan of the little cute animals?" Ellen said "ooohhh I love the animals, I love them so much."
Howie said "you do? You know my wife is like a crazy person when it comes to animals." Ellen said "you can't be a crazy person, you can either love animals or, why is that crazy?"
Mrs. Mandel's Wild Crow
Howie replied "Well, OK, I'll give you an example. This is just, I got a call the other day, I'm sitting at home, the phone rings and they said is Mrs. Mandel there? I said 'she's not here right now can I leave a message'" And they said 'this is the Wildlife Way Station her crow has been released.' Howie looked incredulous and made a gesture with his arms.
He said "her crow, her crow??" The audience and Ellen laughed. He repeated himself "her crow has been released? She apparently, I mean she found a crow, I don't know where she goes but she found a crow. Where do you go to find a crow? But she found a crow that was injured and dropped it off and it has been released." Ellen said "well that's great."
Howie said "oh she's always bringing stuff home." Ellen said to her audience "isn't that sane?" The audience applauded. Ellen said "that's not crazy, it's crazy not to do it." Howie said "no, I know." Ellen said "does she not share these stories, what that completely?" Howie said "no she doesn't share, things just come home. There's always injured things. The vet calls us with things that people won't take. Horrible things. No, they're lovely, they're lovely, but they're creatures that other people don't want." Ellen said "like what? What do you have?"
The Parrot Nobody Wanted
Howie explained "ohhhh, well maybe this is what other people might not want. A pet store couldn't sell a parrot. So she took it. And we didn't know why the pet store couldn't, but apparently, it would pick up your name like that (he snapped his fingers) and it would go, it would swear, it swore. And they couldn't sell it and she brought it home to us and it learned our names."
He continued with his parrot story "and it would go 'Howie' from the other room. I would hear Howie, Howie and I would go, this is great, you would hear Howie, Howie and it was freaky and I went into the other room and the parrot's there saying Howie and I saw it and I said 'hi' and he said "F*** Y**". He then covered his mouth realizing what he said.
Howie continued "but it would actually, but the fact that it, I know it was a problem it would swear and it would say those things but why call me over to say that to my face? Just say that. Don't call me and tell me to do that. I don't need that. You know."
Ellen said "that's hilarious."
Mrs. Mandel Is A Superhero For Hamsters And Birds
He continued "but she saves things. She's like a superhero when it comes to hamsters and birds. I think she's their superhero. Ellen said "awww that's sweet, I think that's a wonderful thing." Howie said "its a wonderful thing, she's a wonderful person." Ellen said "I love that she does that." Howie said "and I love her."
At that point Ellen changed the topic again and she and Howie were off chatting about an entirely different topic.
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