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John Sahag Hair Makeovers: Nicole


Nicole Before

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Many people feel the need for a little help creating the perfect hair and makeup. With good cause.

A professional hairdresser or colorist will have absolutely no sentimental or emotional reasons to encourage an attachment to an outdated hair style, faded brassy color or raggedy ends.

Master makeover experts provide objective opinions through a pair of fresh eyes. An analysis of your face shape, skin and eye tones along with your hair texture, condition and type instantly determines how to make your best features dazzle.

Spectacular results occur when an entire makeover team of seasoned hairdressers, colorists and make-up mavens collaborate for a unified and customized final look.

When a hair color and makeup is harmonized with a new hair cut and style that is designed to enhance your natural beauty while addressing your lifestyle, budget and personal desires you can achieve the appearance of your dreams .

For many people the concept of a hair makeover conjures up images of major color or cuts. This is usually not the case.

The very best makeovers utilize a skilled professional team crafting a dramatic difference by simply working with the existing hues and styles while bumping them up a little.

By studying face shape, skin tone and other features, a skilled hair master can make a few tweaks that result in maximum benefits with minimal change.


Nicole During Haircut

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The team of John Sahag professional hair, color and makeup experts partnered with Multi Media Magazine (MMI) to transform lucky winners of a recent MMI Model Makeover Contest.

Model Nicole (shown above & throughout this piece) visited the world renowned John Sahag Workshop, NYC (212-750-7772) as one of the finalists in the Makeover Contest.

Note: Visit John Sahag on the web at:

The professional makeover provided by The John Sahag Workshop Team was designed to enhance, rather than dramatically alter, her existing look.

The Makeover

The Cut

Master stylist Karmela Lozing started the make over process by first studying Nicole's face shape for inspiration.

Nicole During Haircut

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Karmela determined that Nicole had a heart shaped face.

Nicole's natural hair was medium to fine and the texture had a little bit of natural wave with some natural bend.

Karmela strives to always create a signature haircut and style that feels like her client was "born with it".

Karmela decided she wanted to create an angle around Nicole's face consisting of graduated long to short layers interspersed around the top to provide luscious height and natural body.

The goal of the hairline angle was to show off the cheek bones and to cut shorter around the top of the head to direct focus back to Nicole's eyes.

Utilizing the famous Sahag dry cut method, Karmela separated Nicole's tresses into sections to clipping all other sections out of the way with large clips.

The finished style was an incredible work of hair art created specifically just for Nicole. Nicole's strands fell perfectly into place. In fact, all Nicole had to do was shake her head and her tresses cascaded perfectly into the new shape that Karmela created just for her.

The Color

Nicole During Hair Color

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Nicole's pre-makeover hue was a golden blonde hue that appeared uneven with hints of brassy and overlightened ends.

John Sahag master colorist Santino Acquista wanted to work with Nicole's existing color but balance it by adding lots of contrasts.

Santino decided to adjust Nicole's blonde to a more golden base. He created the desired contrasts by taking it lighter in the front and gradually moving to darker blonde hues along the back.

Once the golden base color was created to Santino's satisfaction, the contrasting highlights were strategically woven throughout in the desired light and dark patterns.

The Styling

Nicole During Blow Dry

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After Nicole's base and highlights were finished, the various color chemicals were washed out of her tresses.

To protect and maintain the delicate new range of golden and light blonde hues, John Sahag Clean For Chemically Altered Hair - a color maintenance shampoo - was used on Nicole's hair followed by use of the John Sahag Clean Conditioning rinse for her naturally coarse tresses.

Nicole's hair was towel blotted to remove excess water.

The John Sahag Revitalizing Drops which is a liquid shine formula that renews the texture of the hair were added to Nicole's damp strands.

The John Sahag Revitalizing Drops are ideal for hair that is chemically treated like Nicole's and also provides heat protection properties.

The John Sahag 3D Volumizing Gel and Air Lift Volumizing Spray were added to the roots of Nicole's strands to provide maximum root lift.

Karmela blew Nicole's hair out using a Mason Pearson brush for all but the top of her hair. For maximum volume and fullness she used a round brush along the top of the head and along the crown.

The Finishing Touches

After Nicole's hair was completely dry Karmela set Nicole's locks on mesh rollers and placed her under a hood dryer for 15 minutes. She carefully removed the rollers and then used a 1/2 inch barrel Chi iron to curl the hair back away from Nicole's face showcasing those gorgeous cheekbones and dreamy eyes.

Once Karmela had styled Nicole's hair to her satisfaction she finished up with a spritz of John Sahag Air Power Hairspray which leaves hair soft but with sassy hold followed by a quick swipe through Nicole's strands with John Sahag Revitalizing Drops to add brilliant shimmer.

The Make-Up

Nicole After

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Makeup artists Flora Kay and Phyllis Talley evaluated Nicole's skin and eye tone along with her face shape and stunning new vibrant hair hue to craft a major makeup design.

The major change in hair color necessitated a change in Nicole's base make-up formulations.

Flora and Phyllis crafted an eyebrow shaping that added definition to Nicole's naturally light brows.


The results were stunning. The masterful John Sahag team created a look consisting Jessica Simpson Meets The Girl Next Door.

The off the face framing style with the newly crafted highlights provides an soft yet sassy romantic style.


Nicole After

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To Schedule Your Own Makeovers

If you love Nicole's makeover and would love to experience your own personal transformation, call the John Sahag Workshop in New York City for an appointment (212-750-7772). The John Sahag Workshop is located at 425 Madison Avenue #2, New York, NY. 10017

More About John Sahag Workshop

The late John Sahag (2005) was an Internationally known and beloved hair artist for more than 30 years starting his career at the tender age of 16. John was renowned for his "dry cut" which today is used by many hairdressers around the world.

In 1985 John opened The John Sahag Workshop in New York City with the purpose of "creating an oasis away from the frenetic pace of New York life". His goal was to erase the "edginess" of urban living and to revive the energy of every man and woman entering into his Workshop space.

The ultimate goal of The John Sahag Workshop which still exists in the present time is to make sure that every person who leaves the salon is enhanced, refreshed and invigorated. Although the great hairdresser has passed on, his vision and work are still practiced today by those great hairdressers that are still involved with the John Sahag Workshop.

Sahag took pride in his work and all those that worked for him. Affectionately calling his colleagues "his kids" he created a masterful team of experts including resident stylist Gabriel Saba, Karmela Lozina, Jutta Honda, Karmela Garcia, Daniel Garza and Thomas Clancy as well as colorists Frank Reina and Santino N. Acquista. They continue John's legacy every day.

Each client is treated individually and as unique as a fingerprint.

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