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Celebrities Love PHYTO - Tony Zestos & Tanya Memme


This month Phyto is proud to welcome Troy Zestos back to PhytoPeople. Troy, who works at the Chaz Dean Studio in LA, was featured previously as stylist to the Dixie Chicks.

Miss World pageant fanatics and followers of DirecTV and ABC 7's Eye on LA have had the pleasure of watching the thriving career of Tanya Memme. Tanya has risen from memorable roles on Melrose Place to TLC's Robotica, a competitive game show in which robot builders compete for a cash prize.

You'll also find her on the covers of the upcoming issues of TV Plus and OnSat magazines. Like so many other celebrities, Tanya loves the Phyto products that Troy uses to style her hair for the show. What's more, Tanya looks great! We're proud to be a part of her winning beauty routine.

A Match Made in Hairspray Heaven

When Tanya and Troy met, it seemed that the stylist-star duo was bound to be a success. As Troy puts it, "Tanya and I hit it off right away, she has a great sense of humor. We both love to laugh." Apparently laughter isn't the only thing that Troy and Tanya have in common, they also know their stuff when it comes to good hair products.

When it was time to begin making decisions for Robotica, Tanya and Troy got to talking about how they would like to style her hair for the show. Troy recommended Phyto's Phytolaque hairspray to give Tanya's long flowing locks a "lived in look".

Troy was shocked to find, "she had actually been using the product when I recommended it to her. We had a coincidental moment when she showed me what she liked and I pulled it out of my bag of products I like to use." What a surprise! This one will certainly go down in the Phyto Moment Hall of Fame. Congratulations Troy and Tanya!

A Dose of Phyto Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Constantly in the spotlight, Tanya always has to look great. She also has to have a consistent look from one shoot to the next. As Troy says, "two seasons would be shot over two weeks. And because each episode would be comprised of shots from each day of the week, her hair should not change." As any of us who have had a "bad hair day" know, its no easy task to have presentable hair on a day-to-day basis, let alone the flawless, camera-ready do that Tanya sports on Robotica. Can you imagine the pressure?!? Its no surprise that Troy relies on Phyto to help him achieve "continuity" and beauty in Tanya's look.

So what does a typical day entail? Lots of coffee and Phyto (in no particular order). Yes, the day begins with a Starbucks fest followed by a styling session. Troy willingly divulged all the details: "I would start by blowing out her wet hair, after first applying Phytodefrisant Relaxing Balm to make the hair easy to comb through and section. I would then spray Phytolaque to each section and blow it dry with a large round brush and let each section cool on a red velcro roller." Tanya then typically moves on to a make-up session. Then Troy removes the rollers and brushes out Tanya's locks in the "natural direction of her hair". Troy's commitment to a natural look for his clients is just one more reason he uses Phyto. When he combines Phyto's all-natural botanical ingredients with a natural approach to styling, he's guaranteed to get results that work with the make-up of the hair, achieving a beautiful signature look for Tanya, which will make a lasting impression on viewers everywhere. That's what we call the Phyto difference!

Not Just A Knockout

So what makes Tanya different from all the other celebs that Troy has worked with? To begin with, she's totally laid back. Troy even describes her as "low maintenance". Clearly, all those beauty pageants didn't go to her head. Tanya even brings Troy coffee in the morning; she always likes to joke around while working; and she also enjoys dirt biking and helicopter skiing in her spare time.

She's the coolest! After going from the Dixie Chicks to a dare-devil beauty, Troy is quick to realize how great his career has been going: "I have been lucky to have worked with such incredible talent that appreciates what I do."

We're lucky to have you, Troy, as such an outstanding PhytoPerson! (Photo of Troy Zestos, Tanya Memme and make-up artist Amy Harmon copyright Phytotherathrie, all rights reserved).

All you Phyto Heads out there be sure to tune into Robotica on TLC, Wednesdays at 8:00 pm. Be the first to see Tanya in her newest stint, and try not to blink, who knows where this gal may be going next!

Carolyn Alburger

Find out more about Troy Zestos at and Tanya Memme at

To contact Troy Zestos for an appointment call: 323-467-6444 at Chaz Dean Studio, Los Angeles, California.

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