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Classic Long Hair Growing Tips

Classic Long Hair Growing Tips

Long Brunette Hair - Great Lengths - All Rights Reserved Long Brunette Hair - Great Lengths - All Rights Reserved

Back in December of 2002 I published an article on the very best classic long hair growing tips.

December 2002 was many years ago, but when I was reading my original article I realized the classic hair growth information is still the same.

I made a few edits and updates, but for the most part, the classic long hair growing tips listed below are solid gold and will help anyone, with any hair type, texture or condition grow long hair.

Long Straight Detanged Hair - Image From Depasqualte The Spa Long Straight Detanged Hair - Image From Depasqualte The Spa

Instant Hair Growth Is A Myth

The answer to "instant hair growth" is that there isn't any.   I’m sorry to report there isn’t a magic hair bullet.

If you want to instantly go from a short chop to long flowing locks, you have limited options.

Your best bet for overnight long hair is to consider hair extensions, long wigs, clip-on braids, tails or other “instant hair”.

Yes, there are lots of things you can to do to maximize the potential of your hair growing cycle.

Diesel Black Gold Hairstyles by Guido For Redken - Photos by Charles Sykes for Redken - All Rights Reserved Diesel Black Gold Hairstyles by Guido For Redken - Photos by Charles Sykes for Redken - All Rights Reserved

However,  it's folly to believe you can go to bed with chin length hair awaken the next day with a new inch of growth.

Of course there are some rare exceptions.  The reality?  Hair on most people is genetically programmed to grow an average maximum of six inches a year.

Make The Commitment

Yes it’s really true. Anything in life worth having takes time, commitment and focus.

It’s also true that not everyone can have a gorgeous head of waist length hair.  People with fine, thin, or severely damaged hair may have a difficult time growing hair past medium length.

FrenchbraidatDieselBlackGold-19_350h     Diesel Black Gold Hairstyles by Guido For Redken - Photos by Charles Sykes for Redken - All Rights Reserved FrenchbraidatDieselBlackGold-19_350h
Diesel Black Gold Hairstyles by Guido For Redken - Photos by Charles Sykes for Redken - All Rights Reserved

Other factors can retard hair growth including serious illness, ingesting some prescribed medications and a variety of environmental factors.

If you believe that you have the right type of hair to grow it long, then make a serious commitment to hang in there for the duration.  Growing long, strong, luscious hair requires concentrated effort.

How long?  The average person is genetically programmed to grow hair at the rate of six inches a year.  If you want to grow 30 inches of hair, plan on waiting approximately five years to experience that length.

Is it worth it?  Only you can be the judge.

Patience Is A Virtue

Although it’s always a good idea to measure your hair on a regular basis, avoid the urge to measure more than once a month.

Growth spurts may vary widely.  Hair tends to grow more rapidly in the summer while slowing down in the winter.

Sanely track your progress with a hair growth diary that starts with a baseline measurement.

Pictured: Merritt Patterson as Ophelia in THE ROYALS  (Photo by Frank W. Ockenfels 3/E! Entertainment) 12/19/14 Pictured: Merritt Patterson as Ophelia in THE ROYALS (Photo by Frank W. Ockenfels 3/E! Entertainment) 12/19/14

Ask your favorite hair buddy to use a soft measuring tape to calculate your length from the very tip of your roots to the end of your strands.

Record the baseline in your diary measuring again in 30, 60 or 90 days.  Don't get discouraged by monthly patterns.

To avoid growth stress consider only measuring your hair a few times a year rather than monthly.

Start With A Clean Slate

Ditch the damaged parts of your hair at the very beginning of your growing cycle.  Visit your hairdresser and explain that your mission is longer, stronger tresses.

Request that your stylist give your hair a proper growth launch by trimming off all split ends.

Discuss proper handling of any other damaged hair with your hairdresser.  Although cutting may not be necessary, starting with a good conditioning program may be essential to reverse long term damage leftover from environmental, chemical or other ravages.

An inspiring new collection of high fashion styles from Pureology Artistic Ambassador Ruth Roche will help turn your prom hair dreams into realities. An inspiring new collection of high fashion styles from Pureology Artistic Ambassador Ruth Roche will help turn your prom hair dreams into realities.

It's very important you find a supportive stylist who will help you as you travel on your long hair journey.  If your regular hairdresser is not supportive of your goals, there are many excellent long hair experts you can locate to assist you.

To find a list of long hair consultants check out the list of long hair stylists at or on the Web (

You can also find long hair gurus listed in the Yellow Pages (yes they still exist) or through word of mouth.

Grow With Grace

Once your hair is ready to grow, make sure you keep it trimmed every 8-10 weeks.  Regular trims keep your hair looking and feeling healthy.  It will also give your hair a great transitional shape as it snakes through the many different stages.

Redken For Valentino- Hair by Guido - All Rights Reserved Redken For Valentino- Hair by Guido - All Rights Reserved

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you don't need regular trims.  You do.

Some long hair specialists will be willing to "dust" your ends focusing only on split ends.

If your hair is in great shape, dusting will trim the minimal amount of hair preserving as much of your hard earned-growth as possible.

Many people prefer to trim their own ends.  This is perfectly acceptable as long as high quality, professional scissors are used.

Dull or scissors which aren't designed for cutting hair can rip or tear delicate strands.

Make The Investment 

If you're planning on investing several years to grow you hair, why not invest in the best hair care products you can personally afford?  Salon products are generally better than the products sold at your local drugstore.

Many of the chemicals used in the majority of over-the-counter products contain sulfate related ingredients, which can be quite harsh and drying to delicate hair.

Pictured: Patti Stanger with beautiful shimmering shiny hair -- (Photo by: Randee St. Nicholas/TY KU) THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER  Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET) Pictured: Patti Stanger with beautiful shimmering shiny hair -- (Photo by: Randee St. Nicholas/TY KU) THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER
Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)

These additives can also accelerate breakage and split ends.  Other products may contain harmful versions of silicon that can suffocate hair and ultimately cause all sorts of hair related problems.

There is no right or wrong product for growing long hair.  Finding what works for you and your hair type is the key.

Protein Is Important

Since hair is protein, a diet that is too low in protein may cause a thinning in hair or retardation in the growth cycle.  The converse is true; if you eat a protein-rich diet it will often result in improved hair growth.

Some nutritional experts suggest the dietary utilization of calves liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ and a daily dose of two tablespoons of granulated lecithin to maximize hair growth, strength and beauty.

Other good protein food sources include fish, eggs, beans and yogurt.  Soy protein has been found to be helpful in stimulating hair growth.   One study of the results of soy on the hair found that it not only strengthened the hair but also caused it to grow. A great source of soy is tofu.

Growth Blockers

Excessive stress and some medications are conclusively known to slow hair growth.   If you have a medical condition and your physician has prescribed medications, it is imperative that you follow your doctor's orders regardless of the impact to your hair.

THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER -- Pictured: Patti Stanger -- (Photo by: Randee St. Nicholas/TY KU) Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET) THE MILLIONAIRE MATCHMAKER - Pictured: Patti Stanger - (Photo by: Randee St. Nicholas/TY KU) - Thursdays on Bravo (9-10 p.m. ET)

If you are experiencing severe stress, it is helpful to reduce the stress as much as possible.  Consider meditation or relaxation as a way to cut back on any major stress in your life.  Your hair will love you for it.

Another secret hair helper is rest and sleep.  It has been discovered that to grow faster, hair needs an adequate amount of sleep (7-9 hours are suggested).

Eat Right & Take Your Vitamins

The right vitamins and minerals play a major role in keeping your hair healthy. Any nutritional deficiencies can lead to thinning hair or even total baldness.

It's a well-known fact  an under active thyroid can result in frizzy or brittle hair while an overactive thyroid turns hair greasy and limp.

Hair by Redken Session Stylist Giovanni Giuntoli - Redken - All Rights Reserved Hair by Redken Session Stylist Giovanni Giuntoli - Redken - All Rights Reserved

The bottom line is that your hair ultimately reflects the overall condition of your body.  If your body is healthy and well-nourished, your hair will be your shining glory.

If you're having any health problems, or suffering from any nutritional deficiencies, your hair may stop growing or show damage.

When your body is in good health, you can maximize your genetic growth cycle by taking the proper blend of amino acids and B-vitamins.   A good supplemental program should also include B-6, biotin, inositol and folic acid.

Certain minerals including magnesium, sulfur, silica, zinc and beta-carotene have also been deemed important towards maintaining healthy hair.

Found in green and yellow vegetables plus fruits, beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A as the body needs it.  It helps maintain normal growth and bone development as well as providing protective sheathing around nerve fibers.

It also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails.

Remember to always consult your doctor before you undertake any new type of vitamin or mineral program to make sure it does not interfere with any medical treatment you may currently be on.

Hair Growth Supplements

Joy Bryant -  PARENTHOOD -- Season: 5 -- Pictured: Joy Bryant as Jasmine Trussell -- (Photo by: Joe Pugliese/NBC) Joy Bryant -
PARENTHOOD -- Season: 5 -- Pictured: Joy Bryant as Jasmine Trussell -- (Photo by: Joe Pugliese/NBC)

Eat right, exercise, reduce stress, rest, gets lots of sleep and you are well on your way to maximizing your own personal hair growth potential.

You can either take a good supplement that contains the necessary vitamins and minerals or you can make up your own formula.

I've personally had some success (at least for me) with some of the best quality hair vitamins.  I've utilized formulas designed to assist the body with the maximum hair growth building blocks.

While eating the proper foods that contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals will help, it's a lot more difficult to guarantee that you will get all the vitamins and minerals you need from the foods you eat.

List of Supplements - Classic Long Hair Growing Tips

In addition to making lifestyle changes, taking the following supplements every day can boost hair growth for many people:

· Vitamin B-complex - 50 mg. of the major B-vitamins (including folate, biotin and inositol)

· Vitamin B-6 - 50 mg. of vitamin B-6

· Vitamin C with bioflavonoids - one to two grams daily

· Vitamin E - 400 to 800 IU daily

Lorde - Wikipedia - All Rights Reserved Lorde - Wikipedia - All Rights Reserved

· Beta-Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta-carotene daily

· One recommended daily dose of magnesium, sulfur, zinc

· Silica (horsetail) - 300 mg. daily

· Nettle - 250 mg. three times daily

· Flaxseed oil - one tbsp daily or one tablet

· Beta-Carotene - 10,000 to 15,000 IU of beta-carotene daily

Pursue Growth With Passion

Knowledge is power when it comes to growing gorgeous hair.  Learn everything you can about the tricks and techniques of growing lovely long locks.  The Net offers a wealth of information of hair growing tips.

While searching for good information, remember to double and triple check the information you gather.  Unfortunately the web is full of a lot of misinformation about growing long hair.

In order to win good SEO ranking positions, some websites will spin articles and blogs about growing long hair.  In the process of spinning words, the important important information may get lost in the shuffle.

Always check and double check any advice you find to make sure it is legitimate.

Brush Properly 

Conair Vent Brush Conair Vent Brush -

Treat your hair like a piece of fine old lace.  Handle it carefully avoiding any unnecessary brushing, combing or handling.

Invest in the best brush you can afford.  Never ever use a brush that has tiny knobs on the end of the bristles.  Those little knobs are famous for ripping and tearing out unsuspecting hair.

Be careful not to brush your hair excessively.  Brush only as much as you need to style your hair or remove knots.  Too much hair brushing can lead to split ends or ripped strands.

When you must brush, follow proper brushing techniques.

Always start by bending forward allowing all of your hair to gently fall over your face.  Use a brush with natural bristles and when possible, a wooden base.  Carefully brush your hair from the nape of the neck over your head and down to the ends of the strands.

After each brush stroke, use your hands to smooth your hair to reduce static. Allow your hair to fall normally.  Continue to brush your hair in this position until you're finished.

ConairBoarBristleMiniBrush-307_250h Conair Boar Bristle Mini Brush - - All Rights Reserved

Remember hair should only be brushed when it's 100% dry.  Hair is in its weakest condition when it's wet. Brushing wet hair may damage it.

Comb It Right 

When you comb your hair always separate the hair into small sections.  Whether your hair is wet or dry use care and a wide-tooth comb of pick. Start at the bottom of the hair near the ends and carefully work in a downward direction.

A wooden comb is always an excellent choice for hair's health.  Avoid the use of hard rubber combs that can tear or rip hair right out of the scalp.

Use Your Fingers

When possible use your fingers as "picks" or "rakes" to remove snarls and tangles.  Fingers are the softest hair tools you can use to prevent pulling and snagging.

Always Start At The Ears 

Shampoo In The Shower Shampoo In The Shower - HB Media - All Rights Reserved

No matter what the pros say, daily shampooing can be damaging to some types of hair.  Wash only when necessary for your hair’s needs.

If your hair is excessively brittle or dry, consider using pre conditioning treatments before you shampoo.

Apply hot oil or rinse out conditioner to wet hair before you shampoo.  This helps protect fragile locks.

How To Apply Shampoo

Detangling Newly Shampooed Hair - Image Courtesy Of Detangling Newly Shampooed Hair - Image Courtesy Of

When applying shampoo never apply it directly from the bottle to your hair.

First pour a dime to quarter size of shampoo into the palm of your hands and mix with a little warm water.

Gently suds your hair starting at the roots. Let the bubbles and suds from the shampoo gently flow down your hair length to create easy cleansing without unnecessary hair friction.

Use the pads of your fingertips to massage your head to help increase the blood supply to your scalp and hair roots.

Unless you have very fine or thin hair, always follow your shampoo with a rinse out conditioner.

Condition, Condition, Condition

Remember to apply conditioners from the top of your ears down to the ends of your hair.  It is important to keep conditioners away from the scalp unless your hair is severely tangled at the root. Conditioners applied to the scalp may cause clogging of the hair follicles, which will slow growth.

If hair is dry and doesn't need to be washed every day, skip a day or two between shampoos.  You can always take a shower without using shampoo.  You also have the option to dilute the shampoo so it is less harsh.  Use your judgment and experiment to determine the best dilution formula based on the product you use and your hair’s texture.

Roux Anti-Aging Color Protect Shampoo - Roux - All Rights Reserved Roux Anti-Aging Color Protect Shampoo - Roux - All Rights Reserved

One other option is to apply a very light coat of hair conditioner to wet hair, rinse well and let hair "aid dry".  This will add needed moisture without any risk of causing dryness from too frequent shampoos.

Keep It Cool 

Avoid hot styling tools as much as possible.  If you must blow dry, always first coat and protect hair with a leave-in conditioner.  Never focus the airflow on one section of the hair longer than a few seconds.  Rotate dryer back and forth to prevent burning hair.

When possible, use a blow dryer on medium speed, cool heat with the airflow directed from the roots to the ends.  This is the least damaging way to use a dryer and still achieve good results.

Conair Blow Dryer With Diffuser Attachment Conair Blow Dryer With Diffuser Attachment

If your blow dryer doesn't have a cool setting, but does have a cold shot button, use this at the end to seal and protect  hair.

When possible, limit your use of the blow dryer to just your bangs or limited sections of your hair.  Look for ways to get maximum coverage with minimal heat exposure.

Grab The Rags 

Avoid hot rollers, curling irons and other hot tools that can cook delicate hair.  If you crave curls, use soft rag rollers sponge curlers that will not tug or pull precious hair.

Use your imagination.  There are a myriad of ways to roll your hair on soft tools that will not harm your hair.  Some alternative rollers include Popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners and empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls.

Other Classic Long Hair Growing Tips

Hair specialists have discovered excellent hair growing results from adoption of the Zone Diet, which is very low in fat.

Listed below are some other classic long hair growing tips:

Spa Treatment - Scalp Massage - All Rights Reserved Spa Treatment - Scalp Massage - All Rights Reserved

- Eliminate or cut back on smoking, caffeine and carbonated sodas which may weaken the body or block maximum hair growing potential.

- Minimize intake of alcohol and try to avoid foods which are high in sugar or fat.

- Avoid the use of hot water, hot steam or saunas which may stress hair.

- Have a weekly scalp massage to provide added stimulation to hair follicles.

- Perform a series of ongoing hot oil or deep conditioning treatments to protect the hair's shaft.

- Keep the environment in mind.  Before taking your hair for a ride in a convertible or for a day at the beach, comb a protective conditioner through the hair.

- Protect your hair from sun, wind, heat, salt water and pool chemicals.

- Exercise for your hair.  Any form of physical activity will increase blood circulation to the scalp, helping nutrients flow more easily down to the individual hair follicles.

- Get enough sleep to allow your cells to renew and refresh.

- To avoid breaking hair while sleeping, use easy glide satin pillowcases.  You might also invest in a hair sock to keep hair from twisting, breaking or snagging during restless sleep.

- Allow your hair to breathe.  Avoid constricting your hair with tight bands, hats, cornrow braids and the like.  These also lead to split ends and hair breakage.

Long Naturally Textured Hair - All Rights Reserved Long Naturally Textured Hair - All Rights Reserved

- If you must use chemicals on your hair, go to a professional.  Experiment with "spot" treatments to get maximum results with minimal damage.

- Use "hair friendly" hair accessories like elastic covered bands, smooth hair clips and snag less barrettes.

- Avoid boredom.  If you get the itch to clip, divert your attention with a new or zig zag part, new or altered bangs or wild clip-on hair.

Summary - Classic Long Hair Growing Tips

Growing long hair is not an instant gratification project.  It takes time and work.

People with gorgeous long hair spend years achieving the glowing lengths that they love.

Understand long hair is a way of life that requires passion, commitment, focus and attention to detail.

Trust me, you'll know the rewards were worth the effort the first time you feel silky tresses brushing past your shoulder, gliding across the middle of your back, tickling your waist or swinging against your knees.

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