Oprah introduced Sarah Palin, her first guest by saying "my first guest today is always making news. She just. Look at your hair. Signed a big TV deal with Fox News. Former Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin joins us from her living room in Alaska (via Skype). I can't. What did you do to your hair?"
Note: Oprah later clarified that Sarah was having the interview in her kitchen rather than her living room. Sarah confirmed to Oprah it was the kitchen by point out a lot of work "is done in this kitchen."
Sarah Palin appeared on the Skype screen wearing her highighted/lowlight brunette hair down with a side swept fringe and a perimeter of curls, which is very different from her normal hairstyle. It was a half up/half down style with lots of volume throughout the crown and curls peeking out from the back sides.
Sarah Palin said "Do you like it? I tried to look like you." Oprah laughed "Okkk. Yes, I'm not used to you having that many curls. it's kinda cute. But I was surprised just to see you pop up there with the curls. Great. What's the weather like in Wasilla today"
Sarah "Thank you. It's kind of chilly. I think it's below zero. So some of your production folks. They're shivering here and I feel bad for them. But it's gorgeous."
Oprah "Well I asked that question because I was saying to my folks last night. I bet you Chicago is colder than Alaska. And they were saying they didn't think so today. So you know the last time you were here, one of the last questions I asked you was whether or not you were planning on having a talk show. And you artfully dodged that question. Because I was suspecting that you were. And now you've signed this multi year deal with Fox. And you're going to be having, would you call it a talk show?"
Sarah "Well I'll be a contributor and a news analyst and I'll enjoy that part of this gig. But also we'll be able to do documentary and some specials. Not a weekly TV show or daily like yours. But a documentary on finding good American to profile. Some real American Idols that I would certainly like to highlight and put in a spotlight so that we have some really good role models around here in our Nation."
Oprah "Because it's called "Real American Stories. Right?" Sarah "Correct, yes."
Oprah "Looking at people who come through adversity and able to triumph and that sort of thing. So does that mean you will you have to leave Alaska? Are you going to be in a studio? Television studio. Will you have to leave home to do it. Or are you going to build a studio there or do it from your living room. Or what?"
Sarah "We'll be based out of Alaska. We'll do it out of our living room when need be. But traveling around the lower 48 states. It'll be a mixture of ways of doing this in order to get out there and as you point out, find those people who have overcame adversity and challenges and highlight them and give encouragement and inspiration to others who are facing challenges."
Oprah "so it's really full circle for you because you started in broadcasting. And obviously had wanted that as a part of your career. Does it feel like it's a full circle?"
Sarah "Exactly. I do. I think my parents are kinda pleased too now thinking, finally, 20 some years later I'm putting that college degree to use. Right on."
Oprah "Finally. So Time Magazine ran a story this week questioning if this means that you are abandoning any future presidential bid. Or does this mean that you're creating a platfrom where you can be even more visible and just gearing up for politics in the future? And the answer is?"
Sarah "I'm not closing, I'm not closing any doors that maybe, I find open in the future. And thankfully the Fox Network has allowed me to keep that door open. I'm for whatever political may be in the future, but in the meantime just really look forward to being a part of the new cycle again and as I say, put that journalism degree to work."
Oprah "Well in Going Rogue (her book) and when you were here, you criticized the media a lot about the way they handled the campaign. And a lot of other things. Now you are part of the media. How will this affect questions you ask? Or how will this affect the way you handle yourself as a media person?"
Sarah "Well, when I studied journalism we learned all about the Who, What Where, When and Why of reporting. Just stating the facts. Gathering that information, providing it to the viewer, to the reader and then letting them decide what their opinion would be. So I'll engage in that, kind of racheting back down to the simplicity of what journalism should be about. Just the basics. Letting the people decide what their opinion will be. Really giving creedence and difference. And respecting the wisdom of the people, the viewers, the readers."
Oprah "Absolutely. You know what, when you just said that, it reminded me of when I was in journalism school too. That was what was emphasized, the Who, What, Where and Why and it seems like that's been lost now. So what are you most excited about in this new chapter?"
Sarah "Very excited to get out there and find those people. I would like to be to have my kids look up to and try to emulate. If you think about it Oprah, everybody in this world is facing some kind of challenge. Everybody's in a battle. And some happen to be highly profiled like maybe on the front page of a paper but others are quiet and more subtle challenge that somebody is facing and there are such awesome stories out there. About people who work extremely hard and have good character and strong ethics and they overcome this adversity and challenge. Finding those people to give hope, inspiration. Those Americana stories that will hopefully will make our society, our cultrure a better place."
Oprah "Absolutely.
After a break Oprah chatted with Sarah and her daughter Bristol Palin whose son Tripp just celebrated his first birthday.
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