In recognition of his extraordinary work rescuing abandoned children from the sewers of Mongolia, along with his ongoing volunteer work with a variety of U.S. philanthropic organizations, Joico Trainer and Stylist Daniel Salce has received the Shiseido Social Activities Award.
(Image of Joico Trainer And Stylist Daniel Salce - Winner of Shiseido Social Activities Awards - Joico - All Rights Reserved)
Salce was recognized for his "long years of selfless, energetic volunteer work for the disadvantaged, which has given hope and inspiration to many." Salce returns to Mongolia with a small team each year to serve the villagers with haircutting, grooming instruction and eyeglasses.
They also bring donations of food and during their stay, they help with housing construction. Joico supports these efforts by donating an array of essential personal care products.
Back home, Salce and his family devote weekends to a variety of philanthropic activities, such as volunteering at women's shelters and aiding the elderly and disabled with their property and home repairs.
Salce incorporated many of the lessons he has learned from his work into his recent AMP'D Program (Artistic and Motivational Platform Tour). "I love teaching distributors, educators and stylists that our jobs are more than just selling shampoo," he says. "My message is that we must give back everything that has been given to us."
While proud to receive this honor, Salce confesses that he is also quite humbled. "I find it funny to be recognized for something I believe we should all be doing.
But everyone, myself included, finds it so difficult to slow down from the fast-paced lives we lead. I realized after I forced myself to get away from work and go to Mongolia the first time, how important it was.
It's still difficult to slow down, but much easier to find the time because I have experienced the pay-off. I look forward to the pay-off and so does my family. The pay-off is in your heart, and that's what feels so good."
About Joico
Joico, a division of Shiseido, Inc., has been dedicated to the Art of Healthy Hair since 1975. All Joico hair care, styling, haircolor and texture products fuse the latest breakthroughs in hair care science with inspirations from the worlds of art and fashion, to offer unparalleled quality and performance.
For more information about Joico, please call 1-800-80-JOICO or visit
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