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Jeff & Jordan on Big Brother 11 - Is Romance Brewing?

Yes, I am now addicted to the CBS Big Brother franchise.  In a previous blog I explained how a Twitter friend got me addicted and so be it.  It's a nice change after my disappointment at the recent Bachelorette Reality TV show.

(Houseguests living it up at the Big Brother House. Pictured: Jeff, Jordan Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Although I watched the finale and After The Final Rose, I was totally disappointed with Jillian's final pick.

Even worse, Ed told the TV audience during his interview on After The Final Rose a wedding would be happening within the next year.  Yeah right.  If you believe that, I have a bridge I can sell you.

Truth be told, I didn't have the heart to even write about Jillian, Ed and Kiptyn.  Yuck is all I can say.  I still say Trista Rehn (Sutter)  was the best Bachelorette of all time and no one can come close to her integrity, beauty and personality.  Sorry Jillian.  Trista broke the mold.  Which is probably partially while I was so down on this season of The Bachelorette show.

Meanwhile I am really enjoying watching Jeff and Jordan bond on Big Brother 11.  A definite friendship has formed and the word in the house and out is that Jeff and Jordan are on the verge of a full blown romance.  In tonight's episode the hostess of the show, Julie Chen, conducted a remote interview with both Jeff and Jordan's individual families.

(Houseguests take part in a luxury competition, the losing team is placed on food and luxury restrictions for the week and banished to the Have/Have-Not Room for the week, on BIG BROTHER Sunday, July 19, on the CBS Television Network. Pictured: Jordan CBS ©2009 CBS BROADCASTING INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED).

Were the families happy about the connection between beautiful blonde Jordan and handsome Jeff?  What did they think?  Are Jordan and Jeff being themselves in the Big Brother house or acting differently?

Both of the individual families reported the couple are being true to their actual natures and personality.  Are the families happy about the Jordan/Jeff connection?  Yes although it was reported that both Jeff and Jordan had been hurt by previous relationships which might explain their hesitation in jumping into a full blown showmance.

Meanwhile the rest of the Houseguests are egging Jeff and Jordan to kiss.  At one point Jordan and Jeff as shown hanging out together in bed and Jordan gives Jeff a kiss on the cheek and tells him its a cheek fart rather than a kiss.

(BIG BROTHER--The game is in full swing as the Houseguests prepare for the veto challenge, on the CBS summer show BIG BROTHER 11, Tuesday, July 14, on the CBS Television Network. Pictured: Jeff Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Regardless of their individual hesitations about moving forward with their relationship, I love both of them and they seem very compatible.  As their families reported, they are kind, sweet and honest people with good hearts and they are being who they are in the house.

What do you think?  Should Jeff and Jordan get together and have a full flown Showmance?

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