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Princess Diaries Era 2001 With Anne Hathaway

Tonight I decided to watch the fun loving movie, The Princess Diaries from 2001 co-starred a much younger and very curly haired Anne Hathaway with Julie Andrews. At the beginning of the movie Anne's character,  Mia Themopolis, has long, frizzy and very big hair.

It was interesting to watch Anne being groomed into a princess.  She went through a complete transformation.  After spending time going through all the etiquette and related princess classes, she received a complete beauty and fashion made-over.

(Image of Anne Hathaway - "Crazy/Beautiful" Premiere Premiere - 06-28-01- - All Rights Reserved).

During the makeover the hairdresser tried to brush Anne's very big, very curly hair and literally broke the brush in her hair.  The handle snapped right off.  The make-up team also cut and straightened her tresses into a below-the-shoulder curtain of sleek and shiny strands.  They also redid her eyebrows and the full mani-pedi treatment.

Watching the beginning of the movie was suprising since Anne Hathaway looked so young and so different than she has over the past few years.  It was one of first big roles and she was very sweet in it.

Her hair transformation was a classic technique for redefining a character in a movie or showing their transformation and progression.  Besides having her hair chemically straightened her hair was wrapped and woven into an array of stunning French twists, chignons and hair knots.

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