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Anne Hathaway's Hair On Ellen

Anne Hathaway - Golden Globe & SAG Nominee

Ellen Degeneres recently visited with Anne Hathaway who was nominated for a Golden Globe and SAG Award for her performance in 'Rachel Getting Married' and her latest film 'Bride Wars' opens in theaters soon (Friday, January 9, 2009).

Anne danced with Ellen before sitting down in her chair, across from Ellen, on the stage.  She was obviously excited to be on the show and had lots of energy and vitality.

(Image of Anne Hathaway - VH1's 14th Annual Critic's Choice Awards Press Room - 01-08-09 - - All Rights Reserved).

Wearing sleek black slacks, a black satin short sleeve top with thin silver accent chains and high stilettos, Anne looked fetching with a shiny milk chocolate below-the-chin brunette bob worn off a center part and brushed back off her face.

Anne pushed one side of her swing infused bob hairstyle behind her ear while chatting with Ellen.  She wore long dangling black and silver earrings which perfectly complemented the chains she wore with her outfit.

Anne was very animated, bubbly and chatty starting out her conversation by complimenting Ellen on the funny lady's new shorter haircut - which was definitely cute.  Ellen mugged for the cameras showing off her latest hairdo.

(Image of Anne Hathaway - VH1's 14th Annual Critic's Choice Awards Press Room - 01-08-09 - - All Rights Reserved).

When asked, the beautiful brunette actress told Ellen, "I'm great thanks, how are you?".   Ellen told the young actress "congratulations things are very very good for you right now".

Anne replied "Yeah! As far as good moments go this one is kinda embarrassing." Yeah, I usually have a pretty , balanced ego - it's kinda threatened right now". Yeah.

Ellen congratulated Anne of her award nominations and told her she does good work.  The funny lady said she "loved the film" and said 'Rachel Getting Married' is getting Anne a lot of attention.

The actress thanked Ellen and the audience.  Ellen asked the audience if they had seen the film. She also asked if (the film) is out?

(Image of Anne Hathaway - Palm Springs Film Festival Gala - 01-06-09 - - all rights reserved).

Anne said "it's a small little (film), the theatrical release is winding down and I think it should be coming out in DVD pretty soon. It should still be out there. It's a very small film, it's a kooky little heart breaker of a film".

Rachel Getting Married - Departure From Anne's Normal Roles

The hostess asked Anne about why she accepted the totally different role in 'Rachel Getting Married' because as she pointed out the role was not like Anne's normal roles.  So why did the Golden Globe nominee take the role of Rachel?

Anne said "yeah, yeah, I mean, it's funny to be an actor and to have people think a certain way of you based on the roles you play so but understandably based on my choices people I think thought I was - you know a good girl, someone, a comedian someone who likes to make people laugh and I do like to do those things but I'd always dreamed about going out there and finding a big meaty complex role and going for it and uh so when it came across my path I just couldn't said not to it".

Ellen said so "then you do Bride Wars and you get nominated for a Golden Globe".  She asked Anne "was it exciting to be nominated for a Golden Globe? and "get that call?"

(Image of Anne Hathaway - Palm Springs Film Festival Gala - 01-06-09 - - All Rights Reserved).

Receiving The Golden Globe Nomination Call

Anne said "oh my, it was really cool, you know, I've been in films that got attention before I've never gotten any individual attention so it was pretty cool. So it was a little nervous, just because like there's been other years where I hoped maybe there's a slim chance I could get nominated and I wasn't so I asked a very good friend to sleep over just in case I needed someone to cry with the next morning".

The Rachel actress said "but I got a good call so we danced around the kitchen and made eggs".  Ellen asked if they called at 5:00 am to tell her that she had been nominated for the Golden Globe?

"It was crazy, she said, "I was so disoriented because my cell phone rang and my house phone rang at the same time and I was really asleep and my cell phone showed that my mother was calling but I answered the house phone and I somehow thought through the magical powers of motherhood that my mother,  I would hear my mom's voice on that phone and I heard my publicist and he told me and I'm like alright and I said hang on and I think I just hung up on him and I answered the phone and said "mom? and that seemed more appropriate".

She said "they (my parents) were watching it on TV. They are in New York and it wasn't as early for them" (as it was for Anne).

Anne said "it was so great, because my parents, I mean, because I have a great relationship with my parents and they're so - it's really cool to see my parents are really proud of me.   And I, so I was on the phone".

Ellen commented Anne seemed surprised that her parents were proud of her.

Anne said "it's a nice thing, to, I know, they're such good people, and I love the fact that I'm leading a life - an imperfect life of course - but the fact I am making them proud of me, it means a lot to me".

Ellen said "You deserve all of this. You're having a great life professionally and sometimes life is up and down and personally its not so good right now. Professionally its great so it balances out".

Ellen told the actress - if you need - I'm good at setting people up. Anne replied "oh God, OK"  I'm really good. If you need someone. I'm really good.  The actress said "did you see how nervous I just got."

(Image of Anne Hathaway - World Premiere of "Get Smart" 06-16-08 - - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen continued, "I'm good at finding you a boyfriend.  I'm really good at it.  You don't even need to date. You can go straight to a commitment". Anne said "OK, perfect, no problem."

Ellen asked Anne "so what are you looking for in a guy"?  Anne said "at this point I'd just like them to be law abiding".  Which got a great laugh and applause from the audience.

The actress said "2008 was the year where I learned to have a sense of humor about everything.  So. Oh yeah. Big time. Actually when - you're alluding of course to my break-up with my ex.  When I found out I had to do a press tour for Get Smart, um and it was very odd and I was in shock and I wanted to fulfill my professional commitments and I didn't have anywhere to go afterwords because the paparazzi were obviously very interested in getting a picture of me you known crying".

(Image of Anne Hathaway - World Premiere of "Get Smart" 06-16-08 - - All Rights Reserved).

"So I went to a friend's house and she and it was really nice it was the first moment I could let go.  And I remember sinking onto her living room floor and she came and gave me the biggest hug and my brother was there and everyone was just surrounding me and giving me so much love and I'm sobbing and I look up and I just started laughing and said it's going to make a great opening monologue on SNL.  And then like two weeks later I got the call I was going to be on SNL".

She continued "and you know what and that's how I'm going to get through it I'm going to get through it, I'm going to laugh first and no one's going to be able to laugh at me and eventually it'll just be something that happened to me. And now it is and I'm so thrilled?"

Good Things Come From Bad Experiences

"Good things come from it. I feel like in 2008 the whole experience made me so much closer to my family and I feel like it made me a better friend because I had to receive so much love in 2008 so I really understand what it is to give it so it was a really trans formative experience in a lot of good ways. And Anne said she learned from the experience and never regret it "and never do it again".

(Image of Anne Hathaway - 2008 MTV Movie Awards Arrivals -06-01-08 - - All Rights Reserved).

The talk show hostess said she knows a lot of guys to pick from because there's a lot of law abiding guys out there.

The funny lady asked Anne about the fact she recently auctioned herself off for charity.   Which Ellen said is very giving.

Auctioning Herself Off As A Drinking Buddy

Anne said "yeah, I was giving Sigourney Weaver a life time achievement award at The Trevor Project. I didn't know there would be an auction.  Normally I would give something like a prop from the movie, you never know what people would be interested in and I wasn't prepared so the only thing I could offer was myself".

Anne continued "and uh, oh well I thought you know maybe like in the past I've auctioned off babysitting uh so in case anyone was incredibly wealthy and wanted to, not that I would expect lots of money - that sounded terrible - just never mind".

She reported "when I babysat as a teenager I charged $10/hour. But that's good but you know me so we could do better now. So I basically decided I would auction off my time. So I decided if I'm not enough I'll pay for drinks so I auctioned myself off as a drinking buddy. They paid $12,000. I was a little nervous because there was a moment where they said "lets start the bidding at $4995".

Ellen asked how many people Anne was going to drink with?  "Three.  The Trevor Project is such a worthy cause and Anne pointed out she wants to make sure they (the bidders on her time) get their money's worth".

Anne hasn't done it (the drinking buddy gig) yet.  She did meet the people that evening and she's "looking forward to it".  Ellen said it may be a long time of drinking for $12,000.

(Image of Anne Hathaway - Los Angeles Film Festival's Screening of "The Devil Wears Prada" - 06-22-06 - - All Rights Reserved).

Bride Wars

After a break Ellen showed a clip of Anne and Kate Hudson in the new film - Bride Wars. Anne explained "it's the story of two girls who have been best best best friends (Emma and Liv) since 8 years old.  It's all very very nice.  They go to the best wedding planner in New York and then through a clerical error their weddings are scheduled on the same day and then there is a misunderstanding and all war breaks out over their weddings."

Anne's character "is a very sweet girl and has a hard time saying mean things and then the war escalates".

Ellen asked about the famous wrestling scene of the two girls in their wedding gowns.

Anne said the wrestling scene "was a total throw down".  Anne explained "this movie had a tough shooting schedule and the movie was shot at night."  It was about 5:00 am in the morning - Kate and I were both in our wedding dresses - Kate's a great girl - she's so much fun".

Anne told Ellen "the two brides had to strangle each other and Kate had a big pouffy dress and Anne had a mermaid dress and Anne has to fall on top of Kate".

(Image of Anne Hathaway - Los Angles Film Festival's Screening of "The Devil Wears Prada" - 06-22-06 - - All Rights Reserved).

Anne reported she "flopped over here and over there because of the slippery wedding gown material". The best she could do was "to strangle Kate Hudson side saddle".  Ellen said well it all sounded "very ladylike."

Anne said "a bridal beat down is very ladylike".   She also reported "Kate hit Anne in the face in the wrestling scene".

Kate's character, according to Anne, "had to have the best of everything and so her character had a five carat Tiffany diamond ring and in one turn she turned and she smacked Anne across the face". And Kate said to Anne "oh my god did I hurt you".

Anne said "you never want to break it (the mood of the scene).  Anne didn't want to make Kate feel bad" for hitting her in the face.

Anne said she "found a corner with an ice pack because she didn't want to make Kate feel bad.  There were a few extras who were placing bets".

(Image of Anne Hathaway- 2008 ShoWest - Final Night Banquet And Awards Ceremony - 03-13-08 - - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen said Anne appeared tipsy in one scene but according to Anne "no, no, no she wasn't tipsy which might have explained her bad dancing".

In the movie one of the pranks that Kate does to Anne is that Kate sends a Hip Hop dance instructor and Anne's character learns how to do the Pop and Lock which Anne taught Ellen how to do right there on the show.

Anne told Ellen she had to rock the dance, which Ellen tried to do with humorous results.

The entire show was a fabulous feast of stories and antedotes with Anne Hathaway showing her vulnerabilities and strengths.  Yes, her hair look fierce but this is one fine actress who has a long and fabulous career in front of her.

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