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All Lacquered Up Blog For Polish Fashionistas

I must confess I'm a closet nail freak. The only reason I don't rock 24/7 nail polish is because they last about 10 seconds on my overworked digits. Since I spend most of my life at one of my various keyboards tap tap tapping away I manage to destroy manicures (pro or otherwise) faster than you can say second coat streaks.

My toe nails are a whole other matter. If you've been following me (@HairBoutique) on Twitter you know that my goal for 2008-2009 is to wear flip flops all year round.  While TV's Ellen DeGeneres has tennis shoes I have signature flip flops.

Luckily I live in Dallas where it's not uncommon to see a dizzying array of flops nestled onto feet all over town, for all types of occasions, in all types of weather. The constant exposure to environmental elements quickly destroys my most carefully applied polish.

Even though I don't personally have much luck with nail polish, I love it almost as much as I love hair products and accessories. As a result, I am addicted to any topic remotely related to nails which ultimately led me to the All Lacquered Up Blog. I was immediately enchanted and addicted.  Just like a frenzied kid in a newly discovered toy store.

Michelle, the entertaining blogging brilliance behind All Lacquered Up is "a self-proclaimed lacquer fanatic and an impressive guide to nail info, tips and tricks." Some of her regular features include the hottest nail trends, nail lacquer collection reviews and industry insider interviews.

She tells her readers whether it's cool for men to wear polish (read her blog to find out the answer) and showcases the latest celebrity designs.

Her most recent blog provides the scoop on Rhianna's taxi cab yellow smiley face tips at Capital FM's Jingle Bell Ball in London.

This nail guru is also famous having been referenced in Glamour Magazine as the go-to nail gal, which is mega impressive.  Be sure and check out her press pages to see all the various mentions she has received.

Michelle is not only a never ending fountain of nail wisdom, she is very helpful to her fans and followers.  I asked her a question recently about the new Nicole nail pens and she gave me the juice on potential streaking.  I was so appreciative that she took the time to help me out with her scoops.

When I first popped into All Lacquered Up I was instantly attracted to her list of links for all the major nail polish brands.  There are some brands listed that are hard to find but she has them in her list.

She also provides wonderfully detailed reviews of all the major nail polish and related product reviews.  I personally loved her post titled Frankenpolish & The Art Of Layering.  If you want to know about layering this is your best read.

Included in All Lacquered Up's reviews are often images of Michelle's own 'smokin' hot nails.  Waves of envy wash over me when I see her nail artwork.  For me to accomplish many of the designs she creates on her own nails (probably in no time at all) would literally take me years and lots of tranquilizers.

If you love nails, polish or anything related, stop by the All Lacquered Up Blog.  But beware, once you land there you may never want to leave.

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