Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

Lose Weight for Summer, Step 1

It's that time of year again - when all the magazines say "How to Get Your Best Summer Body Ever" next to a picture of a blonde girl sucking her stomach in as tight as possible, while she jumps through the air with a smile on her face - and tries not to faint because she's so hungry. Ok, maybe I'm just jealous....I'd like to have a nice smile too.

I read all those magazines regularly, they go best with a bag of powdered doughnuts and a tall glass of chocolate milk. Ok fine, for the first time EVER, I'll give in to trying to "diet" - or shall I say "adopt a new lifestyle" which seems to be the PC way to say it now. But the last time I did the whole adopt a new lifestyle thing - I came out the other end with a slew of piercings....Unfortunately I think this go around might be even more painful. Shuddering at the thought of foregoing the rest of my doughnuts, I have decided to start small...since my glass of chocolate milk is empty...I'll start there.

Losing Weight Step 1: Water, water, water

I'll do this for 4 days so I can get the hang out it....and slowly wean off the delicious chocolate cow that has been my deity of choice lately.

Ok....I'll start after one more glass.

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