Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

Exploding Hair Lady - Hair Blog Entries Too Long?

Yikes, I just attended a conference where I was told that the most words in any one blog should be 500 hundred.

Really? Seriously?

Excuse me while I step out and scream for a few seconds, which in the blog-o-sphere is a "lifetime" according to the same so-called blog experts. Forget minutes....according to blog experts, that's equivalent to thousands of human years. In addition to dog years and cat years there are now Blog years.

With me, what you see is what you get, which means non-stop motormouth. Especially when it comes to hair, beauty, fashion, nails, grooming or related lifestyle topics. For me, 500 words is just my intro. I am just getting cranked up at 500 words.

How in the frack can I possibly blog in 500 words or less? That's like telling Britney she can only have 2 babies. Sheesh.....I am having a blogging crisis.

I hoard so many notes, books, magazines and related info about those topics that people call me the "exploding hair lady" Which means...where ever I land for more then a few days instantly explodes with "hair and beauty stuff". In fact, the folks at all worry that I will commandeer their clear floor space with my latest stack of "Karen's hair stuff".

Seriously, the team members keep their offices locked at night so I don't push a stack of 25 year old magazines into their space since I can't a new home for my stacks.

Yes, thanks for suggesting it....but I do have a library at In fact, I have four full sized "libraries". And there is also "my office" which is stacked with articles. notes, clippings, drawings. There are mountains of boxes full of samples from companies like Conair and Phyto, etc, etc. And no, I never throw anything away. I need a 12 Step Group for Packratmania.

The bad news? It seems according to those same experts my blog entries are probably wayyyyyyyyyy too long.

The good news? Those same blog experts say you can never blog too much or too many times. Good news for me. I can now blog nonstop, without guilt, 24/7. Watch out world. I now have permission to explode into the blogosphere.

AHA...a new place to store my "hair and beauty stuff".

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