IntroductionIf you have been reading any of my articles or columns over the past five years you have figured out that I have a one track hair obsessed brain. Everything that I deal with eventually boils down to hair.
And speaking of whipping, I remembered my book review from a few years ago about washing your hair in the white creamy whipped stuff. I fondly recalled my own trial by stickiness when I tried the recommended cream treatment on my own strands. Yes, it made my hair softer but a tad sticky although definitely sweet smelling. For days after I glopped whipped cream on my tresses I had the vague aroma of sugar and spice, well you get my drift.
Although Burt's Bees has wonderful lip glosses made with strawberries and raspberries they don't have any with cranberries. However, there is an all natural recipe around that uses cranberries from the natural beauty empress, Janice Cox. The recipe from Natural Beauty for All Seasons was also featured in the December 2003 issue of CosmoGirl. This cool recipe requires you to mix together 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 10 fresh cranberries and 1 teaspoon of honey. For detailed instructions click on the link above. If you decide to buy the real deal for your cranberry salad keep a few berries in reserve and try the recipe from Janice. Of course my good friend, celebrity stylist Robert Hallowell has a ton of natural hair care recipes that would dovetail nicely with the Thanksgiving Holiday cooking spree. Since Robert uses eggs and baking soda for some of his famous recipes, keep a few extra eggs out during your pie making and you can create his famous kitchen beauty treatments while the real pumpkin and cherry pies are baking in the oven.
Unfortunately I have yet to crack the mystery of how to use any of the turkey or dressing for any type of beauty treats. Whether you decide to gorge with the real food treats or slather your face, hair and body with the byproducts, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, have a wonderful Turkey Day. |
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