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Fishtail Style Braids

Fishtail Style Braids

KLFishtailBraid_250h Katya Leonovich Backstage Spring/Summer 2013 Collection - Hair by JordanM For Bumble & Bumble - - All Rights Reserved

When it comes to Fishtail Style Braids, they never go out of style.

Although fishtail style braids look complicated, as long as you have hair which is long enough, you can easily create this gorgeous hairstyle.

How To Create Fishtail Style Braids

I've been wearing and writing about fishtail style braids since the mid-1990s. The steps for creating these braids are basically the same whether you do loose fishtail style braids or braids with a ponytail base.

Although the Fishtail ponytail looks tricky, it consists of a simple two strand braid which is most often created starting at the top of the base of a ponytail.

Fishtail Style Braids Secret

I prefer to create the fishtail from a pony base since it's easier to mange the strands. Some people prefer a looser braid.

This can be accomplished by simply snipping the {{asin=B00021E5XU,text=elastic}} around the pony base for a messy deconstructed look.

One secret to finished fishtail style braids is to try to keep all the sections equal in thickness and to pull each strand tightly to give the uniform herringbone appearance.

When a messier version is desired, simply fan your fingers into random plaits and lightly loosen.

Fishtail Style Braids - How To Steps

This braid like most braids, works best on hair which is slightly aged or prepped with the appropriate {{asin=B000ULPFP4,text=styling cream}} or mousse to create a tighter plait.

Step One: Start by pulling all hair back into a ponytail. It should be noted this braid works best on dry hair which is medium to very long in length and isn't layered. You can create fishtail style braids on extended or natural hair.

KLFishtailBraid2_250h Katya Leonovich Backstage Spring/Summer 2013 Collection - Hair by JordanM For Bumble & Bumble - - All Rights Reserved

Step Two: Divide the ponytail into two equal sections of hair. Take a small (approximately 1 inch section) from underneath the left section of hair and cross it over the right section of hair.

Step Three: While holding the ponytail securely with your left thumb, allow the right side of your hand to be free while taking a small section (same approximate size as the previous section) from underneath the right side.

Step Four: Cross the section from underneath the right over to the left side of your hair. While holding the right side securely with your right thumb, continue steps 2-4 until you reach the end of the ponytail.

Finish The Braid: Secure the remaining "tail hair" with a {{asin=B00021E5XU,text=hair friendly elastic band}} like a Bungee or Blax.

Allow plenty of tail at the end of the fishtail braid or else there is a danger the elastic band may work its way out of place and the braid may loosen or fall out.

Summary - Fishtail Style Braids

FishtailWrappedBraid8_250h Side Fishtail Braid - Rebecca Minkoff 2014 Spring Summer Fashion Show - - All Rights Reserved

Fishtail style braids can be adorned with gorgeous hair gems.

The braids can also be worn as is. Fishtail style braids are easy, simple, fast and the results are stunning.

This hair style looks especially striking on thick hair which has lots of contrasting colors emphasized with the tied hair pieces.

Fishtail style braids can be worn in a variety of modified ways including with bangs, hairline tendrils, on the side or a wide range of tousled looks.

They can be created on one side and pulled up and wrapped over the top of the head like the example shown to the side.

There is no right or wrong way to wear these gorgeous braids.

Experiment and find the best look for you.

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