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Paula Abdul's Gorgeous Hair Waves How To

Paula Abdul's Gorgeous Hair Waves How To

Whether you love Paula Adbul or not, you have to admit the American X Factor Judge rocks some serious hairstyles.  Recently Paula has been photographed wearing her hair in long lush waves which showcases her stunning hair color.

Who's the celebrity hairstyling talent behind the sassy X Factor star?  Marcia Hamilton.

When Hamilton recently created Paula's gorgeous waves for the Fox All-Star Party held at Gladstones on Friday (August 5) in Pacific Palisades, CA she was happy to dish about how she styled Paula's wavy hairstyle.

Hair Waves How To

Hamilton started by first shampooing Paula's hair.  After rinsing she conditioned only the ends of the star's hair.  She then prepped Paula's hair with a volumizing leave-in product (spray or foam).

Marcia styled Paula's hair by using a large round brush with a blow dryer to form the foundation of the waves.  She paid special to the scalp area, creating lush volume and lift right at the root area.

She dried each section of hair thoroughly.  Then she placesd the large round brush at the scalp area lifting the roots to an almost 90 degree angle followed by a shot of hot air for a few seconds.  She followed the hot air blast by hitting the dryer's cool button to lock in the root lift.

Creating Waves With Curling Iron

Once Paula's hair was dry, Marcia took medium sized sections of hair.  She wrapped each section around a 1 ½" curling iron in a spiral formation.  Marcia noted that this method helps to create a more defined wave pattern.

She held each section around the iron for a few seconds.  Then she released the hair and clipped each section against the scalp to cool and set.  She worked from the bottom of the heat up to the top.

Styling The Fringe Area

To style Paula's fringe area Marcia did not pin the hair.  She simply rolled the strands back with a hot iron and let the tresses fall naturally into place.  She applied IT&LY Hairfashion Pure Water Drops to her hands and then finger picked through Paula's tresses to create luscious shiny waves.

When she wants to create lots of lush volume and lift Marcia has Paula bend over at the waist.  She gently shakes out her curls and pumps up the root lift.  She has Paula lift her head back up and then she lightly arranges the waves so they fall naturally into place. She sprays with more hairstyle.

For a grand finish Marcia sprayed Paula's hair with White Sands Infinity Hairspray for a long lasting and flexible hold.

Marca's Essential Products

* IT&LY Pure Water Drops:

* White Sands Infinity Hairspray:

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