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Is No Poo Politically Correct?

When I met Lorraine Massey in Dallas after her Curly Book had just been released she talked about the benefits of No Poo.

[amazon-product text="Curly Girl" type="text"]0761123008 [/amazon-product]

Lorraine Massey brought her gorgeous bouncy natural curls, her effervescent personality and her newly released books to a gathering at 17 Spa and Salon.  A group of girly curls sat in a semi-circle of metal chairs in total awe of Lorraine.

(Image of Jessica Simpson - - All Rights Reserved)

If You Loved Curly Girl You Would Love Lorraine Massey

If you loved her Curly Girl book, you would love Lorraine in person.  She sounds just like her book.  When she talked about the fact she had not shampooed her hair in many years there was an audible gasp in the audience.

[amazon-product text="Curly Girl" type="text"]0761123008[/amazon-product]

The concept of no poo washing was relatively new at the time although Lorraine had introduced her DevaCurl line by that point.

[amazon-product text="Deva Curl Try Me/Travel Kit" type="text"]B000QSDHPG [/amazon-product]

When I had a chance to talk to Lorraine privately she asked me if I had tried the no poo routine.  Indeed I had been doing a similar type of non traditional cleansing for a number of years even before I heard of Lorraine and her philosophies.

(Image of Jessica Simpson - - All Rights Reserved)

As someone who has been growing her hair long since the 1980s, I long ago learned the benefits of diluted shampoo (DS) washing, conditioning only washing (CO) or water only (WO).

No Poo Philosophy In Natural Texture Movement

While the No Poo philosophy of hair cleansing has caught on with the natural texture movement, it still is unknown to some people.

Naturally when discussing your hair care routines you may want to spin your description of No Poo in such a manner as to let people know you are still cleansing your hair on a regular basis.

One of the challenges dread lock wearers have had over the years is combating the concept that they never wash their hair on a regular basis.  Nothing could be more wrong.  Although dread wearers often follow their own form of no poo or CO washing, they do make a point of keeping their scalps and dreads very clean.  They have to in order to avoid scalp problems such as flaking and itching.

Spinning No Poo Correctly

Whether you are a new convert to a No Poo practice or you've been a No Poo convert for years you may wish to describe your cleansing routine in a more politically correct manner, especially if you're discussing it in a setting which might impact your career, a new romantic situation or your personal reputation.

(Image of Jessica Simpson - - All Rights Reserved)

Instead of referring to it as never shampooing your hair, you might want to describe it in a manner as to indicate you do wash, but maybe not in a traditional way.  Afterall, the more people that understand the great benefits of No Poo, the better.

Obviously if potential No Poo recruits think it means perpetually dirty hair, they may reject the option before they even try it.

Jessica Simpson Took A Hit With Her No Poo Rep

Celebrity hairdresser Ken Paves is a believer in less is more.  As Jessica Simpson's long term hairdresser, he has always encouraged Jessica to avoid overwashing her hair.  Under Ken's guidance Jessica only washes her hair with shampoo one or twice a month doing her own form of No Poo the rest of the time.

Star Magazine heard about Jessica's barely there shampoo schedule and raised a big stink about it.  The blonde celebrity's version of no pooing caught the media world and caused a PR problem for Jess.

Inside sources close to Jess reported to the media "Jess' tresses are often greasy, but she hides it well."  They said when her hair is not shampooed "she wears hats or reaches for the Hairdo, the clip-on extension line she created with Ken."

Reportedly Jessica told the media when her hair starts to "stink" she just spritzes it with perfume.

Of course all of us no poo fans know that like everything else the media reports, this was definitely exaggerated, except for the fact many people not in the know will forever think Jessica Simpson has perpetually dirty hair.  I know for a fact Jessica does her own version of No Poo and her hair is definitely not perpetually smell, dirty or yucky.

Is No Poo Politically Correct?

Which brings me back to my original question.  Is No Poo Politically Correct?  I guess it all depends how you spin it.  Meanwhile, if you're a fan and get great results, keep on doing it, but maybe keep it to yourself or your other No Poo friends.

I'm convinced someday in the future as legions of No Poo fans join the ranks, No Poo will be as common as shampooing is today.

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EDTA ( Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid) is a sequestering (chelating) agent with unique properties of "neutralizing" trace metals (like calcium, iron and magnesium salts, etc.) and other deposits on hair. Many detox shampoos contain this ingredient.
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