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Ellen Chats With Anderson Cooper Live In Haiti

Ellen Degeneres is a big fan of CNN's Anderson Cooper.  He's been a guest on her show and even though he refuses to dance, he and Ellen have a great chemistry.

On Friday's show Ellen hooked up with "the amazing, amazing" Anderson Cooper remotely from Haiti.  As Ellen pointed out, Anderson was one of the first news media on side in Haiti right after the earthquake.

Ellen said "first of all I love you, and I love what you're doing so ten days since it's happened, what's happening.  Is it getting better?  We've heard the frustrations."

Anderson "Yeah, there's clearly a lot of frustrations Ellen.  People are still dying when clearly there is no need to die.  People are dying who are in need of life saving surgery.  Little kids who have a broken limb that have an open wound that's going to get infected and unless they have that limb removed through surgery, immediately, they can die from that infection."

He continued "So that's incredibly frustrating for a lot of the doctors and nurses who have come from all around the world.  It is getting better day by day.  We're seeing signs of progress but nobody is content with the pace of this thing.  And it's incredibly frustrating, every single day.  For the Haitian people to know that help is shortly coming, but it's not here and it's not going to save the life of their family member."

Ellen "so there's food but they're having a hard time?  Can they distribute food?  But they can't distribute supplies?  The supplies are there?  Right?"

Anderson "supplies are coming and there's a lot of supplies coming into the airport.  The airport's been overwhelmed.  They haven't really prioritized the flights probably as well as they should.  A lot of the medical supplies which probably should have been immediately brought in.  A lot of those flights get diverted.  Doctors Without Borders which is an excellent aide organization.  They won the Nobel Prize.  They've had a number of their flights diverted to The Dominican Republic.  Which means they have to bring those medical supplies, including mobile surgical theaters, overland taking an extra half day.  And a couple of hours can make the difference between several people living and dying."

Ellen "and the rescues in the last few days have been really miraculous.  Tell us about a couple of those."

Anderson "Yeah, just incredible.  I was there when an elderly lady in her 70s was pulled out of the rubble alive.  This was after she had been in there for seven days.  The fact that a woman at that age could survive.  She came out thanking God.  That's the rescue right there (a film was show of a woman being carried out on a stretcher).   It's incredible.  All the rescue workers broke out into applause.  Those folks were from Mexico and South Africa, German rescue workers.  I also went out with rescue workers from Los Angeles Fire Department.  These men and women, there are 75 of them here, from Los Angeles.  They got here the day after the earthquake started.  They have saved a number of lives.  They're just extraordinary and on Wednesday I saw a five year old boy brought into the hospital.  I was at the hospital on another story.  His uncle brought him in.  His uncle had dug him out of the rubble.  After eight days."

A tape was shown of the young boy on his uncle's shoulder being brought into the hospital.

Anderson said "that little boy's name is Manual Elise.  He was extremely dehydrated.  Nurses and doctors from The International Medical Corps, an American aide organization, immediately began working on him.  He just kept on saying 'I'm thirsty, I want juice' he said.  And they had to be very careful about not giving him too much too quickly.  But last we heard he's doing OK."

Ellen "I can't even believe that because you hear that people can't survive for three days without water and yet you're hearing these stories of an elderly woman and a little boy.  Tell us about the little boy, you were reporting on a story and you, yourself actually helped save a little boy."

A film was shown of Anderson Cooper picking up a hurt little boy and carrying him to a truck to be saved.

Anderson "well I mean I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time.  We were in a sort of looting melee and some looters had taken over a store and it got kinda hairy and people were starting to bring weapons to it and looters on top of the roof, someone threw a concrete block.  And it hit this little boy.  And they just threw it into the crowd.  And this little boy had blood gushing from his head and he fell down and tried to get up but he was clearly stunned and you know, I was just lucky to be there.  I just grabbed him and brought him over.  You know, anyone would have done the same thing.  For people here, there are so many people who are finding themselves in need and caught up in situations abd it's hard to describe what it's like."

Ellen "yeah, I can't imagine what you're seeing every moment of the day and you've been there since.  Immediately you were on the scene.  But tell us about the spirit of the people of Haiti.  It must be so inspiring for you."

Anderson "yeah the day after we were here, the morning after the earthquake we saw Haitians digging through the rubble with their hands.  We've seen this for days now.  To get their loved ones out.  People were helping others that they didn't even know.  Faith in god, faith in each other and faith of better days ahead."

A tape was shown of a woman from Haiti dancing on the street corner.

Anderson told Ellen "I saw this woman and it reminded me of you.  This woman was dancing on the street corner and all her friends and family were with her and were sleeping on that street.  But they were singing songs, religious songs and this was just something we drove by.  And we stopped and got out and watched them a little bit.  And it was just one of those moments where you couldn't help but be moved by the power of these people."

Ellen "That's incredible.  Anderson, I can't tell you how much we all love you and love what you're doing there."

Before signing off with Anderson Ellen had him explain that even though a lot of aide has been provided and many people have donated money, long term, there will be an ongoing need to rebuild the structure of Haiti and provide long term aftercare for the many people who had limbs removed due to infection.

Both Anderson and Ellen expressed the need for people to give as much as they can from their hearts.

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