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Adam Lambert Told Ellen He Went Too Far At AMAs

Ellen Degeneres had Adam Lambert as guest on her show yesterday (12/02/09).  She introduced him by saying "well, last week our first guest ignited a storm of controversy after his appearance on the American Music Awards (AMAs) please welcome the extremely talented Adam Lambert."

(Image LR of Kris Allen and Adam Lambert -AMERICAN IDOL: The Final 2: Tuesday, May 19 and Wednesday, May 20 on FOX. Image by Michael Becker / FOX - All Rights Reserved)

After Adam came gliding out onto the stage wearing a chocolate brown leather jacket, complementary lighter chocolate silk tie and darker brown pants and shirt, he gave Ellen a big hug.  His hair was coiffed into a very edgy spike embellished hawkish hairstyle.

Ellen audience roared their approval by standing and applauding.  Ellen said "hi Adam" and he said "hi".  Adam looked out in the audience and said "I see some familiar faces".  Ellen said "yep"

The daytime hostess started the show by saying "you are, I was watching you in rehearsal, which by the way your voice blows me away, I just love your voice."  Adam said "thank you".

Ellen continued "it's so beautifully clear and strong but you're just even more beautiful in person.  Like you're good looking. I love the way you look. And what I love when I watch you too and I was watching you the other night on something on Letterman I think."

(Image of Adam Lambert. Hometown: San Diego, CA. Currently Resides: Hollywood, CA . Age: 26 Photo credit:  Chris Cuffaro / FOX - All Rights Reserved)

Does Adam Lambert Ever Get Nervous When He Performs?

She continued "when you perform you were so present you don't ever seem, and I know you've done this for awhile and you've done theater, but you don't, you just never seem nervous, you seem in the moment and you're singing and you're...."

Adam interrupted her "that's what you think.  Ellen "really, really?"  Adam "I get nervous a lot I've just learned how to kinda hide it."

Ellen said "yeah, but usually you can't hide it in eyes.  You can see in someone's eyes, but you don't seem to get nervous, but you do nervous?"

Adam "yeah, here and there, yeah.  I was nervous the other night (The AMAs)."

Ellen asked "OK, lets.  Were you nervous before you went on stage with The AMAs, or nervous after?  Adam "all, all of the above, just a little bit nervous."  Ellen said "Uh huh, because that was big, that was your debut, that was your coming out like here what's he going to do?"

Adam Forgot People Had Not Seen Him For Awhile

Adam said "yeah, yeah, and I suppose I think part of what I got caught up in was I forgot this was the first time people were seeing me on TV again after Idol (Fox TV's American Idol) and I didn't really think about that, laughing, as objectively as I might have wanted to."

(Image of Adam Lambert on AMERICAN IDOL airing Thursday, Feb 26 on FOX. Photo Credits: Michael Becker / FOX - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen "because, that's sort, is that sorta of how you are all the time?  You're like that much of a showman on stage?"

Experimenting With Lots Of Different Styles, Outfits, Performance Styles

Adam "well I mean you know it's"  Ellen interrupted "I said the word showman"  Adam laughed and said "yes, showman. I think on Idol I experimented with a lot of different styles and outfits and tempos and things like that and then I went on tour over the summer and experimented with different types of performing there and then I was in the studio making a record so for me this has all been one journey.  And for me it was like 'I'm going to do something a little risque now' and it's just you know.....

Ellen "a lot of people didn't like it."

Adam "it was maybe a little too far.  And you know,"  Ellen said "do you feel that now?  That it was too far?"  Adam said "I think in hindsight I look back on it and I go 'OK maybe that wasn't the first best impression to make again, you know like the first, second impression.  And I had fun up there.  I had a good time.  My dancers had fun, my band had fun.  But I also recognize that....."

(Image of Adam Lambert on AMERICAN IDOL airing Tuesday, May 5, 2009 on FOX. Photo Credits: Ray Mickshaw/ FOX - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen's audience applauded to show their support.

Adam Respects People And Never Intended To Be Disrespectful

Adam "thank you, thank you, but you know what?  I respect, I respect people and I feel like people walked away from that feeling disrespected and I would never intend to disrespect anyone.  So that was not my intention."

Ellen said "my whole thing is, I feel that if you're going to be offended by a show of sexuality on stage then you should be offended by all shows of sexuality.  It should all forms.  Right?  Because, you know, if you, really, if you have kids at home and they're watching whatever, ten o'clock at night, eleven o'clock at night your kids shouldn't be seeing anybody acting in an extreme sexual manner.  I don't think that's OK if you're going to be offended by it.  But if not, it should be OK for everybody.  It should be excluded because everybody else does it."

(Image of Adam Lambertas he arrives in his home town of San Diego for a day long celebration in his honor on AMERICAN IDOL airing Tuesday, May 12 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Image Credit: Michael Becker/ FOX - All Rights Reserved).

Adam Says He Went Too Far

Adam "yeah, I think too it's not, people aren't used to seeing gay men portrayed that way on TV.  I mean, the gay men image in the media tends to be very cliche and safe.  And I think, you know, I got up there and had a little bit more energy and a little bit more, I was intending to interpret the lyrics of the song quite simply.  I was putting on a character, I was putting on a person being this kind of rock star, this kinda like dangerous kind of guy...rrrrrr.  And after seeing one of my favorites, Lady Gaga tear it apart on stage, she was incredible, and I just, I don't know, something came over me and I got caught up in the moment and maybe it went a little too far."

Ellen "and how did your parents feel about it?  What did they think?"

A Matter Of Taste

Adam "I think my dad was like 'maybe you should apologize Adam, I don't know.  Maybe you should do that.' And I was like 'well I don't know I don't feel like I did anything wrong'.  Then he said "it just maybe it wasn't the right judgment call. You know?  It's a taste thing.  More than an obscenity thing, or you know, I think it's just a taste level."

(Image  of Adam Lambertas he meets his fans in his home town of San Diego for a day long celebration in his honor on AMERICAN IDOL airing Tuesday, May 12  on FOX.  Credit: Michael Becker/ FOX - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen "you know people were frightened by that.  Now you were canceled the next morning, you were supposed to be on Good Morning America and they cancelled you?"

ABC Was Upset By Adam's Performance

Adam "uh huh I was supposed to be on a couple of days later.  ABC was a little bit....

Ellen "ABC was mad at you.

Adam "and I don't blame em, you know.  I got carried away, it was not stuff I did in the rehearsals and they were probably a little bit taken aback and you know they gave me a great opportunity to close the AMAs and I would never want to smack that gift horse in the mouth I think they were taking a big leap of faith having me do that and unfortunately it didn't work out as we all thought it would."

(American Idol finalist Adam Lambert performs during the AMERICAN IDOL FINALE, Weds. May 20 on FOX. © 2009 FOX BROADCASTING Credit: Ray Mickshaw/FOX - All Rights Reserved).

Ellen "right, well it got the show a lot of attention.  It did do that.  I mean."

Adam "it's kind of ironic, yeah.

Ellen Love's Adam

Ellen "which is why I love your new song.  I really love it.  It's so, it's such a great song anyway but I love the lyrics What Do You Want From Me? because especially when you're new and people are trying to decide 'do we like you, do we not like you, who are you?' it's really hard to please everybody out there and you're learning that the hard way right out of the gates.  So I think you're amazing.  I think you're a good guy, smart and I think you did something like you said might have been a bad judgment call for some people but I hope this doesn't hurt you because I think you're amazing.  I think you're incredible."

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