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Feng Shui For The Soul: How To Create A Harmonious Environment That Will Nuture And Sustain You

Recently a business associate asked me about what philosophy of Feng Shui I followed.  I told her it was my own customized formula which evolved over the past nine years of studying with several different "Feng Shui" experts who all had their own theories, philosophies and formulas.

(Image of Feng Shui For The Soul:  How To Create A Harmonious Environment That Will Nurture And Sustain You - - All Rights Reserved).

While I faithfully followed each of the "experts" and took their classes, bought their CDs and DVDs and traveled to their home cities for classes and apprenticeships, I ultimately discovered that I couldn't blindly follow any one of the teachers because while some things worked with all of them, there were still holes and missing information.

It didn't seem to matter who told me what or told me what not to do, ultimately I had to find my own way.  Ironically the same thing happened with astrology which I have been studying off and on since I was sixteen years old.  Even though I spent the first ten years faithfully following a series of astrology "experts" I would always get frustrated by the missing pieces.

Over the past two years I have been combining all the Feng Shui pieces and doing my own experiments.  Interestingly I have been achieving much better and more consistent results than when I blindly followed any particular guru.  I have also been expanding my boundaries and being open to Feng Shui disciplines that before didn't fit into the appropriate little boxes.

[amazon-product text="Feng Shui for the Soul (Paperback)" type="text"]1561707317[/amazon-product]

Which brings me to Denise Linn's fabulous book, Feng Shui For The Soul:  How To Create A Harmonious Environment That Will Nurture And Sustain You

Even though the book has the words Feng Shui in large letters as the first two parts of the title, it's not really about Feng Shui in the classic sense.  Don't expect references to traditional compass, form Feng Shui or Flying Star.

If you buy this book looking for a description of Feng Shui principles or practices, you might be disappointed, since the book's true subject is in the subtitle: How to Create a Harmonious Environment That Will Nurture and Sustain You.  Although Denise does take broad brushes of Feng Shui principles, she is focused on the soul.

I enjoyed her thoughts and was intrigued by her suggestions for meditations, which I am sorely lacking in due to being a raving workaholic.  Yes, I admit it but I'm an amped up Number 2 and my astro chart is bursting with cardinal planets and an intense kick-my-ass career making T-Square.

Do I meditate?  Yeah, but not nearly as much as I should.  From that viewpoint this book helped me to realign my Feng Shui thinking.  I especially enjoyed Ms. Linn's Baqua Map Of The Home and how to utilize photos to activate certain activities.  Does it work?  I have no idea but I am certainly willing to experiment.

How does that play out with traditional Baqua maps and cures?  I'm not exactly sure at this point but I am certainly working through Ms. Linn's suggestions and will form my own ultimate opinions on how to utilize her tools.

I also love how the book encourages you to be willing to be wrong.  This is so important for being willing to push your boundaries.

If you are looking for hard core Feng Shui formulas or ancient techniques from the ancient Feng Shui Masters this book will not satisfy your search.  However, if you want to blow open your mind to a wide range of possibilities and alternative tools you can draw upon, this book.

Almost all of the book is based on intuiting the kind of environment and house you personally feel comfortable with and would want to live in.  She also describes "Medicine Wheel Feng Shui", which is based on the four directions and the four elements.  For some it may be misleading, but for others it might be enlightening.

I think anyone who buys this book should go into reading it without any preconceptions.

If you liked Ms. Linn's previous book "Sacred Space", you'll probably like this one too. She expands on some of the ideas presented in that book, and presents new ones as well.  I for one enjoyed it very much.

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