Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

I Love Twitter - I Miss Twitter - Lost In A Twitter Catch 22 - SOS From

Let me first start by saying that is not perfect. As Founder/CEO I'm the first to admit that and I am constantly working 24/7 to improve our Internet presence and to make a warm and welcoming place for our visitors.

Our HairTalk Forum software (always accidentally or due to a software bug) will sometimes lock visitors out and throw them into a horrendous Catch22 of them trying to get a password reset and emailing them to tell them a new password is being sent but then no password reset screen link ever arrives. They keep trying until they send an SOS to Customer Care and it is manually reset for them.

Catch22 Password Reset

We also sometimes have the same Catch22 Password Reset issue for customers and visitors to the Marketplace, HairWizard, My, The Dressing Room and other parts of which since 1997 has grown to cover over 1 million pages of content, images and related "stuff", as I call it.

I Am A Huge Twitter Fan

Anyone reading my blog knows that I am a major Twitter fan. I Tweet to the @HairBoutique Twitter account on a daily basis and have done live Tweeting there for the Academy Awards of Hair - NAHA 2009 - as well as Cosmoprof2009 and several awards including the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards. I Tweet about everything that is appropriate to hair, beauty, fashion and feature many of the Hairboutique followers on my HairBoutique Blog.

I am also a huge fan of Twitter CEO Evan Williams (@EV) and read his Tweets. I am in awe of his career and noted with interest he spent some time in's home city of Dallas. I think he has done an amazing job of growing a fabulous social networking site that rocks.

HairBoutique Twitter Account Inexplicably Frozen

What's the problem you ask? Sadly the HairBoutique Twitter account (@Hairboutique) inexplicably became frozen exactly one week ago. The exact cause? The deadly Catch22 Password Reset issue.

Yep, the karma of dealing with Password Reset problems has finally come home to bit @HairBoutique in the Tweets.

Twitter Customer Support - Trouble Tickets

My devoted Webmaster - Chris - has emailed Twitter Customer Support, opened Trouble Tickets and tried all sorts of things to get a simple Password Reset screen. Yes, we have gotten the dreaded email "Your Password Reset Screen" has been emailed to you. Yet no Password Reset.

It's a simple issue with a dramatic result. I can't live tweet anything from @HairBoutique where my many long time Followers think I have gotten lazy and stopped Tweeting. I haven't.

Losing Twitter Like Withdrawing From Diet Coke

In fact, losing the ability to Tweet through @HairBoutique for the past seven days has felt like the time I withdrew cold turkey from my Diet Coke addiction some 6 years ago. No, I never went back to Diet Coke or any type of diet drinks because I had already destroyed my kidneys from overdosing but I suffered the caffeine withdrawals.

Now I have @HairBoutique Twitter withdrawal. I alternate between being sad, in despair and then angry. Why am I angry? Because I have tried to be a model Twitter. I never post spam of any kind nor do I even post HairBoutique solutions. Instead I tweet about hair, beauty, fashion news and when possible sent @attaboys and @attagirls to the fabulous @HairBoutique followers.

Missing @HairBoutique Followers Like Crazy

I also miss the followers whom I have grown very fond of. I miss their Tweets, their Direct Message. I even miss the flurry of #FollowFriday Tweets.

At this point I am at a loss of what to do. I can't log into @HairBoutique because the password was lost the minute I request the Reset Password feature. Although I was emailed that Reset instructions were sent, they have never arrived, no matter how many times I try.

Has HairBoutique Offended Twitter?

What does this all mean? I have no idea. At first I was paranoid that @HairBoutique had offended the good folks at Twitter but then after reviewing my 5,000+ Tweets I decided that I had done nothing that would be Twitter Inappropriate. At least not from what I could see.

Or Is It A Simple Password Reset Snafu?

Of course if there is something else wrong with @HairBoutique besides a simple password reset screen snafu, I will pay the appropriate Twitter penance and pray to the gods of Twitter nonstop for forgiveness. At this point I just want my @Hairboutique Twitter account back online.

I am not sure what to do anymore since requests for trouble tickets to Twitter Customer Care are not acknowledged. I know Twitter is free and at this point i am happy to pay to get a reset password. Just let me know how to send money. Or I will send my firstborn. I don't have one but I am sure I can think of something.

Hopefully We Will Be Back In The Twitter Saddle Soon

Meanwhile to all the @HairBoutique Twitter Followers.....I miss you all and hope to be back soon. Please pray to the Twitter gods that they send me a password reset or to @Ev for advice on what do to while caught up in this crazy Twitter Catch22.

If you're so lucky to know a human and not an email acccount at Twitter that might help please email me at [email protected]. I promise to reward you for any help you might give...and no, I won't send anyone's firstborns.

In the interim you can catch my Tweets through my personal account @Karenmshelton. Hey, you don't expect me to go completely cold turkey from Twitter do you? That would be cruel and inhuman Social Networking suicide. Right?

More Information

Please follow me on Twitter at or I look forward to meeting lots of new people from all walks of life on Twitter and learning from their Tweets.

More About is one of the oldest and the largest consumer focused hair and beauty information portals on the Web since 1997. Our free gallery of hairstyles contains over 27,000 images. Our HairTalk forum provides a way for consumers to talk to other consumers about their hair, beauty, fashion and related issues. also provides a 10 year old e-store with the largest selection of hair accessories on the Internet along with a wide range of some of the most prestigious hair and beauty brands in the world. Unlike other sites who charge, we offer a completely free HairWizard to try on new hairstyles. Stop by and try all the many free features and options available at

Social Media Network Information

Please follow us on Twitter at: I look forward to meeting new people from all walks of Twitter and learning from their Tweets.

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After you have removed hot rollers from you hair let the curls set for a minute. Use fingers or pick to carefully arrange curls so they don't droop.
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