Unfortunately the way Jason went about dumping Melissa on national TV is what is being called into question.
Was ABC just trying to create good TV? Afterall, The Bachelor is entertainment. However, when people's hearts are broken needlessly for the sake of drama or ratings, is that ethical? Did ABC encourage Jason to dump Melissa publicly or did they encourage him to do it privately.
Many fans are swearing to never watch The Bachelor again. Others believe Jason will ultimately wind up with just Ty and his family leaving both Molly and Melissa in the dust. If that is the case, why even bother breaking up with Melissa on national TV and then telling the world he wants to be with Molly.
Only time will tell the outcome but most insiders believe Jason was in on the Melissa Ruse from the beginning regardless of what Chris Harrison, ABC or The Bachelor's PR team has to say.Please follow us on Twitter at: https://Twitter.com/HairBoutique. I look forward to meeting new people from all walks of Twitter and learning from their Tweets.