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ATFR2 Molly Dreamt Of Bachelor Coming Back To Her

During After The Final Rose Part II, which was filmed in front of a studio audience, unlike After The Final Rose Part I, Chris Harrison interviewed Jason Mesnick extensively about what had transpired several weeks ago after he proposed to Melissa and then changed his mind.

After Jason was on the stage with Chris Harrison explaining the decision he made with regard to Melissa and Molly he left the stage and Molly came out.

Chris Harrison told the audience "well we just heard from Jason about his dramatic change of heart.  What did Molly think when she heard Jason had broken up with Melissa and wanted her back?"   Molly was introduced and came out onto the stage to sit with Chris.

He said "Molly when you came out here the last time you had not seen Jason and you had no idea what was about to happen.  Before we talk about it lets look at what happened."

A clip was played of Jason and Molly from After The Final Rose Ceremony where Jason told Molly he had broken up with Melissa and wanted a second chance with Molly.  After he played the clip Chris said "let's go back to that moment when you walked back on stage.  You had not seen each other since that day in New Zealand."

He asked her how she felt.  Molly said "coming back from New Zealand, it was one of the toughest periods of time that I ever had to go through.  I was dealing with heart break.  I couldn't vent to anyone (she had to keep it secret).  Coming here (After The Final Rose) I was hoping I would get some closure from Jason.  But it certainly didn't go that way. I was very shocked."

Chris said "did you ever thinkg of not having him back?  Many people question since you were number 2 at one point."  Molly said agreed with Chris about being number 2 and said "my feelings didn't go away.  At that point we were sitting here (on the stage) and I had the exact same feelings that I had when I left New Zealand.  It wasn't a factor of whether I still loved him or not."  She still loved him and her feelings never went away.

Chris asked "after you left the stage, what happened.  Where did you go?"

Molly explained that after that night, some six weeks ago, she and Jason "didn't just instantly get back together." She said "we did have plenty of serious conversations."  She also said "that night after hearing what he had to say,  I broke down pretty hard."  Molly said she asked him "what happened between him and Melissa?  A lot of our conversations had to do with (that topic)."  She wanted to know why he had picked Melissa nd not her.

Chris said this sequence of events "has stirred emotions all across America, mixed feelings."  He asked Molly "what have you heard?"

Molly said "it has been an incredibly difficult couple of weeks for us.  There are a lot of rumors going around.  My morals and character are being questioned which is really unfortunate.  People are so quick to judge.  People forget that we are real people who have real jobs and have real families.  These people don't realize the damage that they do."

She said "luckily I have had Jason to lean on and we are happier now than ever."  The audience applauded.

Chris reminded Molly she had previously told him "she dreamed of the moment of being back together with Jason." She repeated that fact that after she came back from New Zealand "I was upset, I thought wouldn't it be great if Jason knocked on my door and asked me to come back." And then he did.  So Molly said her dreams about having The Bachelor back really did come true.

Then Chris thanked Molly for being on the show and sharing her feelings about Jason asking her back and that segment was over.

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