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Bleached Blonde Hair - Football Players Embrace

My home town paper - The Dallas Morning News - reported today that a Southlake Texas football team (Southlake Carroll) has gone bleached blonde.  And not just a little.  The team has "glow in the dark white hair".

As the story goes, in 2001, a new team unity was born in the form of hair bleaching.  As reported by Damon L. Sayles, it's now an anticipated event in the Southlake community. 

Fans of the football team know that when the members of team show up sporting platinum blonde hair and black football pants its playoff time.  Besides the entire team bleaching their hair, they switch from white to black pants.  Which actually makes sense to me since platinum blonde hair looks even more dramatic with black than with white.  At least in my humble opinion.

In this world of rampant copycatting, other programs have started to copy the Carroll players and their tradition to dye their hair.  One important change since back in 2001 when the first players showed up with their newly bleached hair is how the hair is now dyed.

In the early days it was reported that the football players would have their buddies help them bleach their hair.  Now it's such a big deal that a lot of the football players go to a hair salon for a more professional platinum transition.  In fact, as a result of the bleaching of Southlake Carroll, the salons in the area hold "bleached hair week" specials to attract the players and students who want to go platinum as well.

According to the coach, Hal Wasson, "all the kids really buy into it".

It's good to hear the team is serious enough about their platinum hair that they go to pros to have it done.  Bleaching hair, when done improperly can turn bright yellow instead of white.  Applying the bleach can also burn the scalp and be rather uncomfortable.  A hair salon is definitely the way to go with a dramatic bleaching.

Texas is really big into football.  Make that huge.  It's no surprise that a high school team would make the news with their hair dying.  In Texas football is news.  And of course to me, bleached hair is always noteworthy.

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