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Boti Ann Bliss (Maxine Valera on CSI Miami) Goes Buttery Blonde

Although she tends to blend into the background of the famous CSI Miami lab, when the camera focuses on her tall willowly (formerly) brunette presence, she is all business.

(Image of Adam Rodriguez and Boti Bliss on CSI MIAMI - Curse Of The Coffin - Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc - All Rights Reserved).

Whether she is searching for fingerprints or other incriminating evidence such as hair or tiny traces of blood, Maxine Valera or “Valera” as the team refers to her has a relatively minor supporting role on the powerhouse drama.

I personally love all of the CSI francises although I used to prefer the original Las Vegas to any of the others.  Call me fickle but I’m entranced by the pace, scenery, cast and mesmerizing stories on Monday’s CSI Miami.  Not only has it become my favorite CSI (Las Vegas is now #2 with New York #3) but my favorite action show in the current offerings.

(Image of Boti Bliss on CSI MIAMI - Curse Of The Coffin - Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc - All Rights Reserved).

I don’t care whether David Caruso is a well-known bad boy.  The inside scoop on the show is that the man sets the bar to the highest level for his own acting.  And it shows.  He is known to be the first on the set and the last to leave.  I admire that type of dedication.

Meanwhile I adore all of the main cast.  Yet I find that I stop and pay close attention to every scene with Boti (yes, that’s her name).  While her part is small,  her presence is always intriquing.  I often wonder if she will be “promoted” out of the lab into the field like other CSI actors and actresses before her.

Tonight’s episode (October 23, 2006) was thrilling and involved Santeria, a miniature coffin and visits to graveyards at night.   In an ironic twist, tonight was also Boti’s real life birthday.

While I was riveted to my screen following the fast paced mystery of whodonunit I noticed that Boti had completely changed her hair.  In fact, my viewing companion (a male who usually doesn’t notice hair under any circumstances) specifically made note of her sizzling new style.  Boti who normally wears her medium brunette hair straight and to the top of her shoulders had a very blonde bob that was much shorter.

My male friend actually paused the TIVO to point out her hair.  “Look how hot she looks as a blonde” he noted.  And yes, she did look great.  She actually seemed to light up the screen and definitely outshone Adam Rodriquez who is a major hottie in his own right.

(Image of Adam Rodriguez and Boti Bliss on CSI MIAMI - Curse Of The Coffin - Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS ©2006 CBS Broadcasting Inc - All Rights Reserved).

In my humble opinion she looked really good as a blonde.  The newly crafted bob appeared to be slightly layered so that it fell in soft shiny panels around her face making her eyes literally pop.  Unforunately I don’t know the name of the gifted haircolorist and/or hairdresser responsible for Boti’s transformation but she definitely looked gorgeous.  Kudos to all.

Does this makeover mean that Boti is poised for more camera time on CSI?  I certainly hope so.  She could definitely add a wonderful new dimension to the current cast. I guess only time will tell but I for one will be watching closely.

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