IntroductionAs Sexy Hair Concepts continues to become a "household name" among women, men and celebrity hair stylists. State Beauty Supply is recently added as a distributor for all Sexy Hair Concepts products. "State Beauty Supply offers Sexy Hair Concepts a convenient way to reach our target audience," says Michael O'Rourke, CEO of Sexy Hair Concepts. "In essence, this relationship gives us a strategic approach to put our products in the hands of the stylist." State Beauty Supply distributes to more than 116 stores in Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska and Oklahoma. Sexy Hair Concepts products (including Big Sexy Hair, Wild Sexy Hair and Healthy Sexy Hair) and Sex Symbol cosmetic collections are available in professional salons in more than 20 countries. For more information on all Sexy Hair Concepts products, call (800) 848-3383 or visit the website at
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