Banishing Bad Hair Days since 1997!™

Hair Boutique's Hair Link Of The Week - 10/25/98

Hasani And Her Dancing Hair...

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I first met the lovely Hasani through the Long Hair Site when photos of her gorgeous knee-length hair were featured on Frank's site. I then got acquainted with her via the site's email list.

I found Hasani to be a very interesting and delightful person with all types of wonderful life experiences to share.

Eventually her great photos were cycled off the main pages of The Long Hair Site. However, Hasani decided to then share some of her own personal photos on her own "unofficial" personal site which she first dubbed "Hasani's Silly Little Page".

As Hasani's page evolved, it eventually attained "permanent page" status along with regular visitors. I was very happy to see that Hasani's page was going to be around for awhile since it has some wonderful images that I like to visit at least once a week.

More On Hasani

Over the past several months I have learned a lot of things about Hasani besides the fact that she has a warm heart, a great sense of humor, can dance like an angel, paint up a storm (Paint Shop Pro) and has gorgeous hair.

Hasani has been growing her hair since she was 8 years old. She actually had waist-length hair by the age of 6 but wound up with a horrible pixie cut due to an unusual sleep walking incident shortly after that. As a result, Hasani made the decision to never cut her hair again. Luckily for all of us, she hasn't. Hasani also has a vacuum cleaner hair story but I have never heard the full details and don't think I want to. I have never been big on horror stories.

Hasani The Dancer

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I mentioned that Hasani dances. That is really a bit of an understatement. In March of 1998, Hasani traveled to Richmond, CA, where she danced at Rakkasah, the largest belly dance festival in the Western hemisphere.

Hasani made reference at one point on the ETHLS list to Middle Eastern trance dances involving hair. Hasani shared some great details on these hair dances.

Maybe some day I can get permission from Hasani to post her information about the Saudi Woman's Dance and the Trance dance. There probably isn't much that Hasani doesn't know about dancing or long hair.

Hasani As Digital Victim

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I remember approximately when Hasani started her new career doing digital hair photography. It was back in early June of 1998 when Valentine had her hair digitally altered to include rollers. The results were wonderful.

Hasani mentioned that she had actually been experiementing with her own photos using Paint Shop Pro.

One of Hasani's first projects was to alter her own photograph to make her hair about 10 inches longer. Hasani shares her first altered photo on her site which shows her dancing by a mirror on her site. Hasani even altered the image in the mirror to match. Pretty darn convincing. Just goes to demonstrate Hasani's great artistic talents.

Hasani's Latest Digital Victim!

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Yes that is me as Hasani's latest digital victim. I love it. After all these long years of growing my hair, in a matter of days my hair shot down to almost my knees.

What a great photo to have as an incentive to keep my hair growing. I have printed out the photo that shows my hair at the longest length and have posted it in my bathroom.

Now every time I get even the slighest bit annoyed with my hair I will stop and take a look at Hasani's photo and be re-encouraged.

Hasani's House of Digital Hair

After you have admired Hasani's dancing hair on the front page, you have to stop by her House of Digital Hair pages where more miracle hair appears on the lovely images of Hair Boutique favs, Valentine and Cher.


You may remember Valentine as the first "guest writer" ever featured on Hair Boutique in Bad Hair Days: A Survival Manual!. The first set of digitally altered "before & after" photos by Hasani belong to Valentine.

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There are both front and back hair photos that have been carefully and wonderfully painted by Hasani to show Valentine with lush, lovely, longer locks. I won't spoil your fun by showing any of the altered images. You will have to click your mouse and get there on your own.


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You may remember Cher's wonderful story about her hair saga with well water - Hair Hazards Of Well Water that was featured on the Hair Boutique a few months ago. Cher mentioned in her story that she is one of those lucky ladies who has hair that grows fast. She has also mentioned in some of her Hair Talk posts that her goal is to grow her hair back to her knees.

Hasani chose two different ways to electronically lengthen Cher's hair and the results on wonderful. It is amazing how the digitally altered photos look like the real McCoy. If I didn't know better, I would think that the photos were taken of Cher's real live hair.

Cher has great "hair genes" and has reported in the past that "her mom can grow hair like no one else". Cher also has an aunt with hair below her backside and a cousin with beautiful thick honey blonde hair to her knees.

Hasani's altered hair photos make Cher the newest member of her family's "hair to the knees" club.

Hasani's Method

I can just visualize Hasani slowly and painstakingly painting on each new inch of my, Valentine's and Cher's new hair using Paint Shop Pro 4.14. The results are wonderful and Valentine and Cher can send the altered images to just about any fashion magazine as a bona fide "super long hair" models.

More of Hasani's PaintShop Silliness

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You will get a glimpse of Hasani's great sense of humor when you see the altered photo of Hasani doing the Tango with Pepper. Hasani explains that the cartoon image of Pepper was snagged off the "Net long ago", and she didn't have the foresight to note where it came from. Hasani mentions that she would love to credit somebody for Pepper's photo, "if I only knew who"!

The photo of Hasani is from a restaurant performance, and was taken by another dancer, Kay Gerdes, AKA Sha Had Aroba.

Next For Hasani

I can't really speak for Hasani, but I hope her future includes altered images of the newly, but unhappily shorn clients of scissors mad stylists.

Maybe this could mean the beginning of a Digital Hair Rescue Force. I just know that someday Hasani will be on the cover of Time for her digital photography on the Mona Lisa or possibly Marilyn Monroe. That would not surprise me. She is that good.

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Original Publication Date: 1998 - Revised Publication Date: 05/22/10

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