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Long Hair On Celebrity Males

Long Hair On Celebrity Males

GreysonHoltasClayDanvers_250h February 6, 2014 BITTEN - Pictured: (l-r) Laura Vandervoort as Elena Michaels, Greyston Holt as Clayton Danvers -- 2013 Syfy Media, LLC

Syfy's werewolf series, Bitten features great examples of long hair on celebrity males.

In particular one of the stars of the show is Canadian Greyson Holt who plays wolf pack member Clayton (Clay) Danvers.

Not only is Greyson Holt a smoldering on-screen example of long hair on celebrity males, he drives fans wild with his brilliant portrayal of the  explosive, passionate and violent former feral werewolf.

College Professor By Day - Werewolf By Night

Clay was iscovered in the New Orleans swamps by Jeremy Danvers (Greg Bryk), who raised him as his son.

The werewolf is now a Professor of Anthropology by day, and the most loyal member of the pack by night.

Fiercely loyal to his adopted father, Clayton has many life challenges.

He struggles between his love of scholastic research, a deep burning love for Elena and his responsibilities to enforce the pack code.

GreysonHoltasClay-3_250h BITTEN -- Pictured: Greyston Holt as Clayton Danvers -- (Photo by: Shane Mahood/Syfy) Monday, March 24 on Syfy (10-11 p.m. ET) 2013 Syfy Media, LLC

Torn Between Loyalty To Elena And Jeremy

Due to Clayton's sworn life oath to Jeremy, he often finds himself in extremely challenging situations.

Although Clay's love for Elena may be tested through the years, it never wavers.  Elena is the only woman he has ever loved, and will ever love.

The former Durham County star has proven to be a great example of long hair on celebrity males while nailing his character's  conflicted emotions and showcasing those smoldering sexy stares.

He has also proven to do great work with stunt choreography.

Clayton Danvers - Long Hair Secrets

The character of Clayton Danvers is perfect for long layered hair which literally blows in the wind as the man turned werewolf runs through the forest with his pack.

Clayton's long layered cut is face framing and underscore the romance of the character.

The hairstyle compliments Greyson's great facial shape.   Light to medium brunette panels of hair help to add more dimension to the long layered hairstyle.

GreysonHoltasClay-4_250h BITTEN -- Pictured: (l-r) Greyston Holt as Clayton Danvers -- (Photo by: Ian Watson/Syfy) - 2013 Syfy Media, LLC

Skillfully Placed Subtle Highlights And Low Lights

Clayton's long layered hair has subtle highlights and low lights which give his classic long male hairstyle a sexy laid-back feel.

Darker non-aggressive hues softly accentuate the nape area while softly highlighted ends add depth on top.

Movement is the name of the game.

Long slightered texture is precision cut into Clayton's mane allowing random pieces of hair to fall gracefully from the part along the top and into the face.

GreysonHoltasClay-5_250h BITTEN -- "Bitten" Episode 105 -- Pictured: Greyston Holt as Clayton Danvers -- (Photo by: Syfy) 2013 Syfy Media, LLC

This creates a barely out of control look.

Great Long Male Hairstyle With Options

It also provides great options to wear the hair more finished or more tousled.

The hair can be worn swept up and off the face, to one side or allowed to softly cascade down into the face.  Clayton's long hair is great look for making fans swoon.

It's a simple yet sultry style. Clay is a bona fide dish and Elena is a fool not to snatch him up.

Summary - Long Hair On Celebrity Males

Greyson Holt's brilliant portrayal of wolf pack member Clayton Danvers demands nothing less than a  rugged long-haired manpunzel look.

Both the actor and his on-screen wolf infused character pull off the long hair on celebrity males style admirably.

There's no doubt that long hair stirs the souls of his legions of fans.

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