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Tweezerman Point Tweezer Tackles Microscopic Hairs

Introduction - Tweezerman Point Tweezer Tackles Microscopic Hairs

Tweezerman Point Tweezer Model No1240R1_300wOne of my all time favorite tweezers is the Tweezerman #1240R model which is made from polished stainless steel and has an extremely sharp point.

The tweezer comes complete with The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

It's not that I love the Tweezerman brand, it's that these tweezers have been my go-to tool for years.

The Tweezerman Point Tweezer tackles microsophic hairs which is why I adore it.  It's easy to tweeze the peskiest hair with the {{asin=B000782SQY,text=Tweezerman Point Tweezer}} because of how incredibly precise it is.

In all fairness, I've tried tweezers from other comparable brands at a range of pricing and never found a tweezer I love as much as the {{asin=B000782SQY,text=Tweezerman point Tweezer.}}

The perfectly aligned hand-finished, hand-filed points at the end are so precise and razor sharp they can grab the finest and smallest of hairs with complete ease.

The tweezers work wonders on stubborn ingrown hairs, splinters, small facial hairs and brows.  Due to the sharpness of the tweezers, they come equipped with a small plastic cap for the tips.

Beware Of Sharpness - Tweezerman Point Tweezer Tackles Microscopic Hairs

RedTweezermanPointTweezers-2_300w Red Tweezerman Point Tweezers

One of the advantages of the {{asin=B000782SQY,text=Tweezerman Point Tweezer}} is also one of its disadvantages.  The tips are so sharp the tweezers could literally be used as a small weapon.

With the proper aim and force, these harmless looking tweezers could do serious damage to eyes or the head.

The tweezer packaging comes with a warning of how incredibly sharp the tweezers are.

It's also very important, if you buy or own a pair of these tweezers to keep them away from babies, small children, pets or anyone who might not be able to have the capacity to utilize the tweezers appropriately.

Directions For Using The Tweezerman Point Tweezer

When using the {{asin=B000782SQY,text=Tweezerman Point Tweezer}}, which is available in stainless steel, black, red or an assortment of colors, be sure to pluck or tweeze in the direction of the hair growth.  Extract only one hair at a time rather than trying to grab several.

For easier plucking wash skin or shower first to help open pores.

If you use the tweezer to extract ingrown hairs, be sure to cleanse skin and disinfect tip of tweezer with {{asin=B006HCVX6K,text=alcohol wipes}} or similar before working on the ingrown hair.

Alcohol Wipes Alcohol Wipes

After any type of tweezer or plucking work which pierces the skin, clean area immediately with hydrogen peroxide or {{asin=B000MI85FC,text=alcohol}}.

Long Term Care Tips

Always be sure to take great care of your Tweezerman Point Tweezers and they will last forever.  Be sure to wipe the tips clean after each use.

Always make sure the protective cap is put back onto the tweezer tips.

Another danger with these tweezers is dropping them.

Not only can dropping the tweezers damage the tips, it can throw the tweezers out of alignment making them difficult if not impossible to continue to use.

Unfortunately I dropped my favorite black pair in the kitchen and was very unhappy to discover I had bent the tips.

Although my tweezers were not out of alignment, the tips were sufficiently damaged that it made it difficult to grab tiny hair.  I tried to bend them back into shape, but this proved to be an impossible task.

If you wish to adjust the spring tension, you can do so by gently pulling the two halves of the tweezer further apart.  If you do adjust the spring tension, it can not be readjusted afterwards.

Summary - Tweezerman Point Tweezer Tackles Microscopic Hairs

The reason the  Tweezerman Point Tweezer tackles microscopic hairs is because they are crafted with extreme precision and sharpness.

alcohol-4_300w Alcohol For Disinfecting Tweezers

The tips which could in some circumstance be used as a small weapon, can successfully extract the finest, softest and most difficult hairs.

Whether you use this amazing tweezer to tweeze eyebrows or deal with ingrown hairs, it is worth it's weight in gold.

Although the Tweezerman Point Tweezer is available in an array of colors, make absolute sure when you order that you will be getting the exact color you requested.

If not, you may wind up with the stainless steel model, which is the traditional version of this fantastic hair plucking tool.

 Blog Dedication:  This blog is dedicated to Adrienne Hutcheson who is always willing to share her wonderful tweezers with me in a pinch.  If that's not love, what is?

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