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Split End Causes

Hair Clippings Hair Clippings

Introduction - Split End Causes

Split ends occur as part of the natural aging process of the hair.  The ends of the hair are constantly being manipulated by an array of styling tools such as combs and brushes, hot irons, rollers and hair pins.

The constant opening and closing of the cuticle layer at the ends of the hair may damage them to the point where they remain permanently opened.

Another name of split ends is trichoptilosis.

Once split ends occur they can not be permanently repaired.

While they may be temporarily fused together with an array of styling products, ultimately they must be permanently trimmed from the rest of the strands.

Causes of Split Ends

What causes split ends?  There are many causes including accidentally getting hair caught in a ficus tree, which has actually happened to me.

Rubberbands Rubberbands

Other causes of split ends?  Check out the list below:

1.   Hair brushes with knobs on the ends which can snag delicate tresses.

2.   Wooden and/or common rubber padded brushes.

3.   Cheap plastic brushes with razor sharp teeth.

4.   Brushes with sharp bristles.

5.   Combs with rough spots along the edges or the teeth.

7.   Combing or brushing hair inappropriately or too quickly while still wet.

8.   Backcombing or back brushing.

9.   Scissors with dull blades or improperly angled.

10.  Fingers or fingernails with rough edges or spots.  This is true when hair is finger picked or combed.

11.  Common rubber bands which can snag delicate strands along the length or the ends.

12.  Sliding rough elastics back and forth over ends.

13.  Winding and/or unwinding hair around any type of hair rollers, curling devices or pends and pencils.

14.  Allowing hair to blow freely in any type of wind.  Hair whipping around in the wind may break or split fragile ends.

15.  Buckles on any shoulder straps or accessories ranging from handbags and backpacks to belts, shoes, boots and/or buttons.

16.  Rough cotton sheets, pillowcases, bedding and/or towels which can rub delicate ends causing them to snap.

Conair Hot Rollers Conair Hot Rollers

17.  Excessive and/or improper use of hot styling tools (irons, curls, dryers, combs).

18.  Chemical damage from bleach, hair color, perms, straighteners, relaxers or similar.

19.  Overuse of hair styling products with drying ingredients such as alcohol or similar.

20.  Improper detangling procedures when hair is either wet or dry.

21.  Allowing hair to dry in a rough towel wrapped turban style on top of the head.

22.  Dreading or faux dreading hair.

23.  Playing with hair including twisting, pulling, rubbing or rolling hair between and/or around fingers.

24.  Chewing on hair or allowing babies, children and/or pets to chew on ends.

25.  Snapping split ends off with fingers or fingernails.

26.  Rings, bracelets or other jewelry with rough edges which may snag or rip ends.

27.  Sleeping with hair tied on top of the head which may cause ends to eventually break.  It may also break when braided too tightly

or worn down where it can be ripped and tangled during regular nighttime tossing and turning.

28.  Washing hair in hot water and detangling in shower with first apply leave-in conditioner.

29.  Piling hair on top of the head while cleansing.

Hair Blowing In Wind Hair Blowing In Wind

30.  Inexpensive hair accessories which snag, rip or tear ends.

31.  Silicone products which temporarily seal split ends but weaken the cuticles further.

32.  Poor scalp circulation and/or over-aggressive scalp massages where ends are harshly manipulated.

33.  Hair can get caught in vacuum cleaners, dust busters, electric fans and/or space heaters.

34.  Trimming hair too bluntly or when hair is cut in a U line which may cause hair to break more easily.

35.  Too much smoking or accidentally burning ends.

36.  Allowing hair to get too dirty and/or matted which weakens ends.

37.  Sun damage due to overuse of silicone products which magnify the effect of UV rays.

38.  Stress, worry and/or lack of proper sleep.

39.  Nutritional deficiency.

40.  Rough hair and/or bobby pins.

41.  Hard water, salt water, chlorinated water in pools & spas.

42.  Overall environmental damage from excessive heat, cold, wind and other toxic climate issues.

Summary - Split End Causes

Other causes?  Bad hair habits along with general wear and tear which may cause a domino effect causing hair to rip and split more frequently.

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