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DIY Home Made Tips To Grow Hair Faster

Introduction - DIY Home Made Tips To Grow Hair Faster

Elle McPherson With Long Lush Hair Elle McPherson With Long Lush Hair

One of the most common questions I receive at is if I know any DIY home made tips to grow hair faster.  Since the beginning of our website back in the mid-1990s I've been constantly researching the topic.

Not only did I grow my own hair to my thighs with some of the secret DIY home made tips to grow hair faster I found, I've shared these details with many people over the years.

Maximum Monthly Hair Growth Potential For Most People

It's important to remember that the average person has a hair growth cycle of 1/3 to 3/4" a month.  To help hair grow faster or to it's maximum monthly growth potential follow the tips included below.

If you want to grow hair faster than 1/2 to 3/4" a month you may need to investigate other options such as extensions.

Listed below are some DIY home made tips to grow hair faster I have never shared before but I've used on my own thigh length hair.

1.  Get plenty of sleep. 

Yes, this seems obvious, but many people don't realize just how important sleep really is when it comes to growing hair faster and healthier.  I've tracked my own hair growth since 1988. When I'm extremely stressed or not sleeping at least 7 hours a night I notice it immediately in my hair.

Not only will my hair immediately start shedding, it will become dry, crunchy and start to split at the ends.   Everyone knows that split ends can slow down healthy or fast growth.

Traditional Oil Dropper Bottle Traditional Oil Dropper Bottle

Everyone has their own personal best sleep schedule.  Mine happens to be 7 hours.  I also sleep best when I go to bed before midnight and have a pitch black room.

Make it a point to figure out your own best sleep schedule and honor it.   Your hair will be healthier and naturally grow faster.

Sleep Scalp Massage Oil Recipe - DIY Home Made Tips To Grow Hair Faster

The oil recipe was custom designed to encourage a very relaxed scalp, roots and encourage a very restful sleep period.  Follow the steps below to create my own favorite tranquil sleep scalp and hair massage oil. Your hair will love you for it.

#A. Create Base Scalp & Hair Oil

Fill a standard sized {{asin=B000AV15PI,text=1 ounce Amber Glass Bottle with Dropper}} two-thirds full of the base oil of your choice or a mixture.  Select from the following organic (if possible) base oils:

{{asin=B001428W6W,text=Jojoba Oil}} (my favorite oil)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

{{asin=B0019LVFSU,text=Almond Oil}}


{{asin=B005ZKSB5Q,text=Apricot Kernel Oil}}

Safflower Oil

Canola Oil

HairTopia Beautiful Hair Oil HairTopia Beautiful Hair Oil

Note:  Beautiful Hair Oil can be utilized as a pre-mixed base oil for hair and scalp.  It can also be mixed with olive oil if you prefer a mixed base.

#B.  Add the following ingredients to your base oil of choice

9 drops (use the eyedropper to measure) of {{asin=B005ZKSB5Q,text=cold pressed apricot kernel oil}}

4 drops of {{asin=B0048KE47I,text=lemon verbena}}

1-2 pinches of {{asin=B0025OUVPI,text=acadia senegal powdered herbs}}

1 drop of {{asin=B005Y4CZCS,text=rosewood}}

1 drop of {{asin=B005V4ZNMU,text=bergamot}}

Optional:  1-2 drops of {{asin=B007GOHO5M,text=lavender essential oil}} (my favorite)

#C.  Mix the formula

Apply mixture to fingertips and lightly massage your scalp with the pads of your fingertips.  Remember not to allow your nails or anything rough to make direct contact with your scalp. Fingernails have been known to scratch and/or damage delicate scalps.

#D. Allow mixture to penetrate into scalp, hair or rest of the body

Model Relaxing To Achieve Balance & Harmony Model Relaxing To Achieve Balance & HarmonyModel Relaxing To Achieve Balance & Harmony

One you have applied the massage oil to your scalp, if you like, you can apply to damaged sections of your hair and/or your ends.

Either wrap hair in a warm towel or a plastic cap.  You may sleep in the oil if you wish or wait for 1 hour and then rinse the mixture out of your hair.

This formula is designed specifically to relax the scalp and provide a restful sleep period.  If you wish you can also pour some of the oil into a warm bath or apply it to your body.

For best results plan to go to bed as soon as possible after using this blend for a hair healthy rest.

#2.  Create balance and harmony in your life.

Hair is a known barometer of the body's health.  If your life is out of balance on any level it will impact your ability to grow healthy and vibrant hair.

When your body is completely out of balance you may find that your normal hair growth cycles are completely blocked.  Achieving balance through proper nutrition, a positive mindset and conscious deep breathing can work wonders to help hair grow to it's optimum monthly length. 

If your life is out of balance stop and figure out why and what you can do to achieve more harmony.

Listed below is a special scalp massage oil you can use to help achieve a more balanced energy flow through your body and to the roots of your hair.  The following recipe can also be used in a bath or as a full body massage oil.

#A. Create Base Scalp & Hair Oil

Fill a 1 ounce eyedropper (standard size) bottle two-thirds full of the base oil of your choice or a mixture.  Select from organic (if possible) base oils such as Jojoba, Olive, {{asin=B001ELLB16,text=Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)}}, Almond Oil,  Coconut,  Apricot Kernel,  Safflower Oil, Canola Oil.

Image Of Hair Follicle Image Of Hair Follicle

#B.  Add the following ingredients to base oil

4 drops of {{asin=B005VSXUQM,text=sandalwood essential oil}} (EO)

3 drops of {{asin=B002RTF2AK,text=myrrh EO}}

2 drop of {{asin=B005CIWPYO,text=chamomile EO}}

1 drop of {{asin=B000M4C6H4,text=vervain}}

#C.  Mix the formula

Apply mixture to fingertips and lightly massage your scalp with the pads of your fingertips.  Remember not to allow your nails or anything rough to make direct contact with your scalp. Fingernails have been known to scratch and/or damage delicate scalps.

#D. Allow mixture to penetrate into scalp, hair or rest of the body

One you have applied the massage oil to your scalp, if you like, you can apply to damaged sections of your hair and/or your ends.  Either wrap hair in a warm towel or a plastic cap.  You may sleep in the oil if you wish or wait for 1 hour and then rinse the mixture out of your hair.

This is a great formula to use before meditation, doing yoga or spending some quiet time in personal reflection.

3.  Get your daily seaweed fix

HairTopia Hair Growth Vitamins HairTopia Hair Growth Vitamins

Even though many years ago I worked with an award winning chemist to develop the ideal healthy hair growth formula for my own hair, which became Hairtopia, I still swear by seaweed as my secret grow hair faster formula. 

My own personal success with seaweed and faster growing hair is tied to {{asin=B00016XLN6,text=Nori}} which I eat almost daily.

{{asin=B0012AL434,text=Nori}} can be eaten as a snack or crushed and sprinkled into salads or grains.  It can also be sprinkled into protein shakes or similar drinks.

4.  Hydrate, hydrate & hydrate

I will admit that remembering to drink enough water every day is challenging.  However, when I do get my daily 10-12 cups of water my hair is healthier, fuller and stronger. 

Many people confuse the need to drink water with any type of liquids.  Tea, coffee and similar caffeinated drinks will actually detract from your daily hydration needs.  Caffeine can actually leech essential vitamins and minerals from your body.

Keep a full water nearby and drink from it all day long.  It's just that simple.

Special Note - Hair Loss Issues

Keep in mind that if you are experiencing any type of hair loss the DIY home made tips to grow hair faster may not work for you.  One of the ways people with hair loss are misled is by miracle fast hair growth pills, potions, salves or similar.

Beautiful Long Healthy Hair Beautiful Long Healthy Hair

If you are suffering from any form of consistent hair fall your first priority is to visit a dermatologist or doctor who specializes in hair loss issues.

Summary - DIY Home Made Tips To Grow Hair Faster

The average person will grow hair at the rate of 1/2" to 3/4" per month.  In some cases due to stress, lack of proper nutrition, sleep deprivation or dehydration, to name a few causes, hair will completely stop growing.

To grow your hair to its fastest growth maximum per month consider trying some of the DIY home made tips to grow hair faster provided above.

Before you spend your money on products which are advertised to grow hair faster make sure you do your research and know that the product originates from a reputable company with a long term history in hair growth research and product development.

Also, make sure the company offers a money back guarantee.Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it just may be.

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