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Khloe Kardashian Pushes Back On Tabloids

Celebrity Hairstylist Ken Paves said it so well to Guiliana Rancic on the recent E! show right before the Red Carpet coverage started for the 2010 Oscars.  He was demonstrating to Guiliana how Hollywood Hair is "illusion".

Guiliana and Ken talked about how the hair fans and viewers see on stars sashsaying down the Red Carpets is usually designed with a range of fake hair products.

(Image of Khloe Kardashian - 2009 - NBC's Celebrity Apprentice - All Rights Reserved - NBC)

To prove the point, in front of the camera, Ken instantly transformed three models with clip-in bangs, clip-in hair and ponies.  I have personally witnessed him doing the same thing at photo shoots and at his salon in Hollywood.  It's true, illusion is the name of the game with hair and beauty in the world of celebrities.

In literally minutes he gave them bigger hair, longer hair, bangs and ponies.  Viola!

Which brings me to the point.  A good percentage of what goes on in Hollywood is illusion and fake.   The vast majority of people who live and work in Tinsel Town understand the real world versus Hollywood.   The stars literally spends days getting ready to walk down the various Red Carpets and look absolutely perfect.  Even when they do, the media will attack anything they can from a perceived extra five pounds to hair wrinkles.

Oprah recently interviewed Jessica Simpson on her show and the famous blonde admitted that opening the door with her initial Newylweds reality TV show has ultimately led to the years of personal attacks on her life ranging from her weight and fashions to her relationships.

Unfortunately the Kardashian family is walking a fine line because they have opened up their homes, family relationships and lives to the public through their various shows including the original "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" on E!.  Yes I watch the show because I believe Kim, Khloe and Kourtney are newsworthy due to their trendsetting hair, beauty and fashion ways.

I loved Khloe's spunk on "The Celebrity Apprentice" and that feels real to me.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

I don't believe a lot of what happens on the Kardashian reality shows.  When I personally visited their original boutique in Calabasas, California, it was nothing like it seems on the show.  Of course that made sense because the Kardashians have their "real" private lives and their illusional "reality" lives.  Even the boutique looks different on TV than it does in real life.

When I see tabloid covers talking about the toxic men in the Kardashian sisters lives I completely ignore it.  Who really truly knows or understand the private lives of the Hollywood celebrities?  I remember being shocked by the complete difference between the glitz and glamour of celebrities and the real people they turn out to be.

Read Khoe's feedback on the tabloids at:

Most celebrities have a circle of close knit trusted friends and associates.  Those trusted people would never be willing to share intimate details about their celebrities because they know they would be banished from the inner circle forever.

Ryan Seacrest asked Best Director nominee James Cameron what he thought about the media buzz around his competition with ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow for the 2010 Best Director Oscar.  James was blunt with Ryan and said it was the media spinning things because he and Kathryn support each other's work.  In fact, James noted he encouraged Kathryn to make "The Hurt Locker" and she gave him notes and support while he made "Avatar".

While it's always a great idea to stand up for yourself when attacked, I just wonder if Khloe's heartfelt attempts to push back on the tabloids will actually help or hurt the cause?  Tabloids have a way of taking rebuttals and spinning them up even bigger.  In todays world of blogging, Twittering and constant reguritation of celebrity news, sometimes it's better not to say anything at all.

Jessica Simpson told Oprah she didn't wish to speak about John Mayer's Playboy interview where he revealed how she was in bed.   Definitely a wise decision.  Why give the media anymore gossip that they're already going to create?

Ultimately most people will think what they want anyway but of course the tabloids are in business to sell gossip.  If they don't have real gossip they'll find a way to grab headlines.

In a way the Kardashian sisters should feel flattered that their relationships are getting so much attention.  Even if the information is false.  That just shows how popular and adored the trio are with people around the world.  Which means Kim, Khloe and Kourtney should just laugh all the way to the bank.

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