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Miss America 2009 Spices Up Scholarship Fund With Marion-Kay

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam Spices Up the Miss America Scholarship Fund

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam's parents are shown at Marion-Kay Spices headquarters with some of the first Miss America Katie Stam Spice Bottles off the production line.

Miss America 2009 Katie Stam will be on hand in the Made in Indiana section of the Indiana State Fair on Saturday with Marion-Kay Spices, a renown company since 1922.

As a part of a special promotion, Marion-Kay Spices has created a unique and flavorful seasoning that has been named the official Miss America Katie Stam Spice.

All proceeds from the sale of this spice will benefit the Miss America Scholarship Fund.

The Miss America Katie Stam Seasoning is an All-American Spice Blend that can be used on anything from meats to vegetables and from soups to salads. Use it on the grill, in the oven or on the stove.

You don't have to attend the fair to buy this limited edition spice! The spice is currently available by visiting or by calling 1-800-627-7423.

Please help continue our tradition of providing educational support to young women across the country, while enjoying the newest spice from one of the world's finest spice companies!

About Marion Kay Spices

Marion-Kay Spices is headquartered in Brownstown, Indiana. Founded in 1922, just one year after the first Miss America Pageant, Marion-Kay Spices is a family owned and operated company through four generations. The company is rich in tradition and is committed to top quality service and consistency in using only the finest raw ingredients from countries around the world.

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