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Scott Speedman Single & Dealing With Dating In Hollywood

British born Scott Speedman is best known for his role in TV's Felicity (1998 to 2002) as Ben Covington and as the off-screen love interest of curly haired co-star actress Keri Russell.  Although Scott and Keri broke up in 2001 and Keri married Shane Deary in 2007 and gave birth to a child, fans still remember the Scott/Keri connection.

(Image of Scott Speedman as Tom in Atom's Egoyan's Adoration, All Rights Reserved).

The May 18, 2009 issue of People Magazine did an interview with Scott who has moved on into other acting roles.

In 2008 he played the part of Tom in the Sony film, Adoration.  His role did not come easily.  As he told Seth Abramovitch in an April 28, 2009 interview with Atom's Egoyan's Adoration, he doesn't plan to show up on TV again anytime soon.

A New TV Series In Future For Scott Speedman?

When asked about his future career goals and if a TV series was again in his future, the handsome and very sexy blonde 33 year old actor told "never say never. I would like to avoid going back to 22 episodes a year. Not that that was ever a problem for me ever, at that time."

Scott continued "I loved being on Felicity. But, just in terms of right now, I just feel like I’m working towards getting my foot in the door in films, you know? It’s still a struggle. So I don’t want to go back, and get taken out of the game for nine months a year."

(Image of Scott Speedman as Tom in Atom's Egoyan's Adoration, All Rights Reserved).

Loves Living In LA But.......

Scott told Jennifer Garcia from People that he loves where he currently lives, which is in L.A.  That definitely a good place for Scott to reside so as to make connections for future films and to promote his acting career, although he confessed to Atom's Egoyan's Adoration he hates doing the talk show route to sell the films, which is always expected.

So how does Scott really feel about living in LaLa Land?  He told People "I love it here.  But I mean, nobody ikes the traffic.  And the desperation in the air can get to be a bit much at times."

Long Hair And Shaggy Beard - Doesn't Shave When Not Working

Since Adoration is now available in a limited release (as of May 8th), the Cannes film fav of 2008 is required Scott to show up and be interviewed.

He told People that the reason he is still showcasing shaggy longer hair (although still blonde) and a full overgrown beard, which makes him look more like a mountain man that Felicity heartthrob, is because "I thought it (the long hair and beard) worked well for the (Adoration) character since he's such an isolated and depressed guy.  But when I'm not working, I stop shaving and let it go.  That's generally how I look."

(Image LR of Devon Bostick as Simon and Scott Speedman as his Uncle Ben in Sony's film - Atom's Egoyan's Adoration, All Rights Reserved).

Even though Scott Speedman doesn't look much like his Felicity character, he still is one gorgeous guy and the longer blonde mane suits him well.  Of course based on his various interviews about his goal to move into films in a big way, I'm sure the actor who told People magazine he's "a bit of klutz" that he might go so far as to shave his head, if the part were right for him.

Afterall, he campaigned hard to win the role of Tom in Adoration because originally the role was for a man 12-15 years older than Scott.  Determined to get the part, which he really believed in, Scott pushed hard.  Which makes me believe the hunky actor would do whatever it takes to win other meaty acting roles down the road.

Still Single & Dating In Hollywood

Even though Scott confessed to People he's still single at 33, he's still as gorgeous as ever and I'm sure he could change his marital status without too much trouble, even though he admitted that dating isn't so easy in Hollywood.

Check out Scott in Atom's Egoyan's Adoration which is available in limited released.

The Moth Diaries

What's next for the multi-talented Scott Speedman?  It was just announced that he has signed to co-star in The Moth Diaries. Industry insiders believe The Moth Diaries is going to be a great genre film for the next year.  They are also predicted Scott Speedman's acting career is about to take off to new heights of success.

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