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Oprah At 200 Pounds In Last Year's Globe Issue

Oprah Winfrey recently made the top of the Internet buzz lists when it was revealed in an article in the January 2009 issue of O Magazine that she currently weighs 200 pounds.

(Image of Oprah Winfrey - Hollywood Reporter's Annual Women In Entertainment Breakfast - 12-05-08 - - All Rights Reserved).

However, Globe Magazine actually discussed Oprah's weight issues back in June and July of 2007.  In the July 9, 2007 issue they consulted with Dr. David Demko, a leading age expert.

Using his patented Death Calculator Dr. Demko, a renowned geretologist, predicted Oprah might not live past the age of 59 due to her excessive weight, which at the time was listed by Globe as 200 pounds.

Besides having a doctorate in gerentology Dr. Demko has served on two White House committees on aging.  Dr. Demko knocked 19 years off Oprah's life span for being overweight, yo-yo dieting, lack of exercise and other weight related at-risk lifestyles which includes a higher risk of diabetes due to her race factors.  Other risk factors include hypertension and stroke.

The purpose of Globe's article with Dr. Demko was to instill hope in the talk show goddess by letting her know how much damage her out-of-control weight was doing to her longevity.  Insiders were hoping that Oprah would pay attention to Dr. Demko's predictions and be shocked into changing her lifestyle, including dealing with her weight issues, in a healthy manner.

It's interesting that Oprah is now coming out with her 200 pound weight announcement when it was being discussed as far back as June of 2007 in GLOBE.

Regardless of the timing of her weight announcement Oprah is to be commended for the fact she is always willing to share her personal struggles with her fans.

Oprah said "I'm mad at myself" with regard to her weight issue.  She said "I'm embarrassed.  I can't believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I'm still talking about my weight.  I look at my thinner self and think, "How did I let this happen again?"

The article details Oprah's recent struggles with an out-of-balance thyroid, and how the condition made her develop a "fear of working out".

Kuddos to Oprah for sharing her inner struggles with the world.

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