IntroductionJust like everything related to hair, there are pros and cons for having short hair. While short hair, on the right face shape combined with the right hair texture, type and condition can be stunning, short hair can also be unflattering on others. Short hair can offer an instant style change, give the illusion of fuller hair and eliminate damaged ends. However, short hair, just like long hair can become boring over time. Consider some of the suggestions listed below for adding a new sexy allure to short hair. 1. Texturize It
When hair is highly graduated, it rounds into a delicate halo; you can pull down side tendrils as desired. Because interior texture comes from a perm, hair is wash-and-wear! If you have a very short crop, a root or pin curl perm adds texture; for a short bob, get a perm for volume or root lift. 2. Get a New Angle
Remember, angled sides can move from short to long (when cut along a diagonal-forward line) or from long to short (when cut along a diagonal-back line). 3. Think Six-Tease
To bring the look into the '90s, Sabrina Dorey of Salon Visage in Knoxville, TN, suggests tucking hair behind your ears and leaving a single piece free at the side to frame the face. 4. Add Layers
Direct hair back and spiral wrap most the front pieces for maximum movement. After rollers have cooled, finger style hair, backcomb select pieces and detail the ends. 5. Pin Curl It!
Set hair when it's damp, diffuse dry, then finger comb from roots to ends. For a shorter crop, pin curl just the front or the top. If you have a short bob, try a single side pin curl to create a wave. 6. Try out a Wedge
7. Think Razor's Edge
Super-short hair takes on new mobility and a short bob is softened via fringy ends. This works best for straight hair; very curly hair is less controllable when razor cut. 8. Keep it Close
When you wear your short cut smooth and sleek, add surface shine with a spray-on silicone product or slip in a jeweled clip for instant femininity. One look that's always sexy is one that's finger waved and you can do this with almost any short cut that is not heavily layered. Gel hair close to your head, then mold in waves or use old-fashioned waving clamps. Hard to do? Ask your stylist to show you! About Victoria WurdingerVictoria Wurdinger is an award-winning writer and researcher who specializes in business and beauty. She has written for dozens of magazines, including Longevity, Drug Store News, Beauty Digest, Drug & Cosmetic Industry, Modern Salon, Art Business News, British Hairdressers Journal, Celebrity Hairstyles, Color & Style, Beauty Store Business, Studio and Day Spa. Victoria has also authored several books, including "Competition Hairdesign," "Home Haircutting Made Easy," "The Photo Session Handbook" and "Multicultural Clients." She has won several American Society of Business Press Editors awards, not only for her writing but for her design and layout concepts. SummaryOne additional advantage to this ongoing hair fashion frenzy is that headbands can be used as functional tools to hold tresses in place or as pure decoration. |
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