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Celebrity Hair Male Style Secrets


It is a fairly well known fact that female celebrities have a team of celebrity hairstylists and makeup artists that cater to their every styling need. Many of the biggest celebs like Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Celine Dion and Oprah travel with their hairstylists.

Jennifer Lopez often travels with the equally famous Oribe while Oprah's celebrity stylist Andre wrote a book that made him famous about hair. Jessica Simpson and Celine Dion are often in the company of super famous stylist Ken Paves and make-up artist Karan Mitchell.

Although male celebrities like Brendan Fraiser, Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake and Nick Lachey have their own team of hairdressers and makeup artists, they are not as often as well-known as those pros who work for the women.

Robert Hallowell & Brendan Fraser

Robert Hallowell has been working with Brendan Fraser for a long time. Not only does he groom Brendan for big Tinseltown events like the Golden Globes and the Oscars, Robert travels with Brendan for movie premieres like the 2003 film - Looney Tunes: Back In Action. In the past he has also worked with Sir Ian Mckellan, Christopher Walken, Christopher Reeve, Bob Hoskins and Charles Grodin to name a few.

Robert is known as the Kitchen Beautician because he has always created his own hair care and styling product right in his own kitchen. As a result of years of mixing and experimenting with different types of products, Robert unveiled his own line which he continues to use. Many of his celebrity clients use his products at home.

Frankie Payne & 'N Sync & Stellar Clientele

Frankie Payne's list of male celebrities would make your own head spin in awe. His current male celebrity clients include curly headed Justin Timberlake and JC Chavez along with the Black Eyed Peas. In the past he has chopped, cropped, spiked, sprayed and groomed the likes of Brad Pitt, Richard Gere, Dave Navarro and Ben Affleck.

Frankie uses a variety of different hair care and styling products on his famous male clients that ranges from John Frieda (Sea Spray) and Prive (pomade mousse) to a mixture of Phyto, Rene Furterer and Kiehl. Frankie is not a slave to any particular hair care line and cares more about achieving the desired look whether it is a popular messy look or a more funky spiked look.

Ken Paves & Nick Lachey

Never say never is the case with Ken Paves. Although he had always declined working with male hair in the past, he found himself "touching up" Nick Lachey when he was working with Jessica Simpson. One thing led to another and now Nick actually prefers for Ken to cut and style his hair. At the present time Nick is Ken's only male celebrity client and although Ken is devoted to celebrity women styles, circumstances can always happen.

Ken's philosophy is to form a long term relationship with his celebrity clients to understand the image they wish to project to the world and in their professional roles.

Ken believes in using quality products that get the best results for his clients. A fan of such prestige lines as Phyto, Rene Furterer and Kerastase, Ken recently launched his own line of products available soon in Walgreen's stores.

Louise O'Connor & Coldplay

Adir Salon's Louise O'Connor has worked her hair cutting wonders on the likes of rock world's Cold Play, Isiah Thomas, and Wayne Gretsky, to name just a few of her male celebrity hair clients. Louise believes that the most important aspect to her work with her male clients is start with a great hair cut. Coming from a very formalized London based hair apprentice program, Louise studied with some of the best cutters in the industry. As a result, the cut is ever important as her starting point.

Louise is also a fan of high quality prestige lines. She currently uses Phyto products.

Salon & Product Information

Ken Paves Pave Salon & Spa Lakeside Mall - 19 Mile Road & Hayes Clinton Township, Michigan 586-416-8600

Robert Hallowell

No current salon affiliation Free Lance Movie, Print & Fashion Only The complete Hallowell Line is available at in the Marketplace.

Frankie Payne Prive Salon 7373 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, California 323-931-9992

Note: Call for appointment. Frankie is available at Priv one day a week when he is in Los Angeles.

Louise O'Connor Adir Salon 16 East 65th Street (between 5th & Madison) New York, New York 212-734-4757

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