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Hair Force One Charter Online

Mitt Romney

Hair Force One Charter Online

Sioux City, Iowa (CNN) - Mitt Romney boarded a charter airline quickly dubbed "Hair Force One" to fly to South Carolina Friday.

His wife, Ann, told Romney the plane was named in honor of his famously coiffed mane.

Mitt is admired not only for his hair style, but his grey tipped dark hue.

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are currently considered the two major contenders for the Republican presidential nomination and were both at the final Iowa debate last evening.

As reported, the two impeccably coiffed candidates specifically avoided attacking each other in the final debate.  The two front runners played nice.  Gingrich actually gave Romney some compliments.  The only veiled reference to their feud was Gingrich's comment about being zany which was previously discussed by Romney in the media.

The positive interaction between Romney and Gingrich was a marked difference from the negativity which has led up to this latest debate.

Republican candidate watchers agree that Romney probably has the very best hair of all the candidates other than maybe Michelle Bachmann.

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