IntroductionOne of the Hair Boutique's Favorite featured writers - Tamara - returns with another great article. This time Tamara provides great tips on keeping your hair clean and full of great shine. Tamara also graciously provided Hair Boutique with two new photos of her hair taked in July 1998. As you can see, she practices what she preaches about clean and shiny hair. Thanks Tamara! Article
Its going to cost big time to keep that aureole of hair shinny and clean, right? Not necessarily. I find for myself I am using about the same now (waist length) as I did when I had really short hair. I admit there are "tricks" involved and I was wasteful when I had short hair but then I seem to learn best when I learn the hard way. So here goes ... "Wash every 1-2 days".It keeps the hair hydrated, you'll use less product and your hair dries faster (mine does at least). I live in "Chinook country". If you don't know what that means then imagine living in a place with fluctuating humidity, drying winds (hot or cold), weather exasperated by El' Nino, temperature variations of 25 degrees ('tis spring after all!), hail, thundershowers, etc and you haven't even got out of bed yet. With this kind of environmental uncertainty hydration is important. I also did the "test" from washing once a week with/without oiling to washing daily. Daily won. I also use pure jojoba oil on the ends and occasionally I use the emollients form Aveda for that "extra glossy" look. As for using less product, well it just takes less to keep something clean when it is clean than when it is dirty. I find this just as true for hair as I do for dishes.
My hair does dry faster, I don't know why either. Maybe my hair is willing to give up the excess moisture because it's already hydrated, or maybe it's the season, or maybe it's my imagination but I don't think so. One other thing, if you are going to wash your hair daily then use very gentle products. Right now I use Aveda. "Stage your wash"This is the real key to using less shampoo - washing your hair in sections. Here's how I wash my hair:
In all I've used less than 1/4C of shampoo and conditioner. I also discovered that if I mix a lot of water (2C) and a little shampoo (2T) together in a bottle and leave it overnight, when I use it the next day it seems to be more "active". I get more suds more quickly and usually I don't need to use any more shampoo. I don't mix water with conditioner though; it either gets lumpy (like curdled milk) or slimy. Either way the conditioner is less effective. The only other thing you might want to know is that I don't wash my hair bent over. That final rinse is quite a gasper! Social Media Network InformationPlease follow me on Twitter at: I look forward to meeting new people Thank you for visiting us at The HairBoutique Blog and for leaving your comments. They are very much appreciated. We apologize in advance but must remove any direct advertisements or solicitations. - Revised Publication Date: 05/22/10 | |
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