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Back To School Hair Tips


Summer Braids

Summer is over and school is on the horizon. Sun, wind, sea and salt may have left their mark on hair that enjoyed days at the beach, in the pool or catching some rays.

To get hair back into shiny, healthy mode for classes, there are several steps you can take.

Get a trim to remove dry or split ends leftover from sun and surf. To avoid a back-to-school hair trauma, avoid getting a drastic hair cut. A minimum trim will get you back into healthy hair mode with minimal stress.

If your hair has a lot of chemical or environmental build-up use a good detox or chelation shampoo.

Detox shampoos will remove any toxins or harmful minerals that may be clogging up your hair shaft. If you decide to use a chelating shampoo, be careful not to use it more than once a month to avoid damaging your hair.

Give yourself a good hair conditioning treatment. Use a rinse-out conditioner, or Deep Revitalizing Treatment.

Hot Olive Oil Treatment

Olive Oil

A hot olive oil treatment is always an option. To do an olive oil deep treatment follow these instructions:

Use extra virgin olive oil which can be purchased at the grocery store.

Heat just enough oil to cover your hair (approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of oil depending on the length of your hair) in the microwave until warm (but not hot).

Carefully apply the olive oil, with your fingertips, to the ends and dry parts of your hair. If your hair is naturally oily, avoid applying the olive oil to the hair closest to your scalp or your bangs.

After you have applied the olive oil, put on an old shower cap (the oil may be hard to remove from the cap so use one that you can throw away).

For A Deeper Treatment

Phytokarite Deep Conditioner

For a deeper treatment, wrap a hot towel from the clothes drier around the shower cap and leave on your hair for at least one hour.

Wash the olive oil out with a mild or moisturizing shampoo (Phytojoba or similar) and then apply a conditioner.

Do not over shampoo your hair. One good application of shampoo should be all you need to remove the oil. It is best to let your hair air dry to maximize the benefit of the oil treatment.

It is best to do the olive oil treatment on a Friday or Saturday and never right before you are going out.

This is a messy treatment. Sometimes it is best to apply the oil in the bathroom. Have some clean rags available to wipe up any accidental spills or drips.

If you want the same results as the olive oil with less mess, try a beautifying oil. It is more expensive than olive oil, but works wonders on dry ends.

Other Back To School Hair Tips

Ficcare Hair Clip From Marketplace

  1. Avoid drastic hairstyle changes. It always takes some time to learn to style a new hairdo. Resist the temptation to make a radical hair change right before school starts. If you must give in to your itch for a change, make subtle changes. Add bangs, change your bangs, start to grow them out, add a new part, change an old part, add new hair accessories.
  2. Hair jewelry and accessories are always a great option. Headbands and chic hair clips are always popular. Consider wearing your hair in soft romantic braids. Or pull hair back and clip it with a tortoiseshell barrette.
  3. Avoid wearing your hair in a style that will require a lot of time and energy. If you want a new style, wait until after you have readjusted to your new school schedule and any pressures before you throw hair worries into the mix.
  4. Plan your hair styles for big school events. Instead of waiting until right before the Fall Homecoming dance of the Christmas formal, pick out some styles now and either grow you hair into the style or select a new hairstyle that you will have time to perfect for the big event.
  5. Always have a back up hairstyle that you can use in case of emergencies. Keep some hair friendly pony elastics on hand for days when a ponytail is your only salvation. Buy some hair clips and barrettes and all different shapes and styles to allow you to play with different pigtails, braids and buns.

    Headband Marketplace

  6. Get enough sleep. Hair will tend to act up when you are under stress, not eating well or getting enough rest. Remember if you take good care of your body, your hair will show the results.

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- Revised Publication Date: 09/25/11

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