A massage technique used in Swedish massage which involves a light, steady tapping that causes a slight vibration of the muscles. It is also referred to as a rhythmic percussion often administered with the edge of the massage therapist's hands which are often cupped. Sometimes the tapping is administered by the tips of the therapist's fingers. When the edge of the hand is used instead of the fingers or cupping of the hands it is known as Hacking. This movement is employed to assist with the release of lymphatic build up in the back, the neck, under the arms and other parts of the body where lymphatic drainage is considered advantageous. The name of the stroke is taken from the French word "Tapoter" meaning to tap or drum.
Tapotement is available at spas and from massage and body therapists. Tapotement may be used along in in conjunction with other massage or body movement therapies. The taping can be light, medium or heavy depending on the strength of the massage therapist's hands and fingers and the desire of the client for a light or heavy touch. In some methods quick pinching or gentle slapping movement may be combined with the tapping.