Herbs have been used for centuries to provide everything from pain relief to healing for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Herbs can be used both externally and internally but should always be used with extreme care. While herbs can be very beneficial in many situations, in some cases herbs can be poisonous dangerous or even deadly. Herbalists have identified a range of herbs which are designed to offer assistance with hair growth by providing all natural stimulation. List Of Herbal Hair StimulantsListed below are some herbs and herbal based recipes* which may provide growth stimulation for hair. I have personally tested each of the recipes and experienced personal success. However, not everyone will experience the same results. When in doubt always discuss with your physician and proceed with caution. Another noteworty piece of information is that the 100% organic based HairTopia Beautiful Hair Oil and Spray formulas which were custom developed for contain many of the herbal hair stimulants listed below.
1. Southernwood - Known officially as Artemisia abrotanum. Also called Old Man Lad's Love and Maid's Ruin. It was used in The Middle Ages to treat many problems. Taken in wine as an antidote to poison. Boiled with barley meal it can be used as an external treatment to treat pimples. When 1 ounce of Southernwood ashes is mixed with 2 cups of olive oil and 1/4 cup of rosemary oil and massaged into the scalp it is thought to stimulate normal hair growth from the roots. Young European boys have used this combination of Southernwood ashes, rosemary herbs and olive oil to stimulate facial hair growth. This recipe is derived from a 17th century recipe. 2. Jaborandi - Officially referred to as Pilocarpus or microphyllus or P. Jaborani. Also called iamborandi. The plant is grown mainly in Brazil. This herb can be used in small amounts under the care of a herbalist when combined with hair tonics as well as herbal and vinegar rinses, Warning: This herb when taken internally can be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly. Do not take this herb without the direct supervision of a physician. Remember, all plants, herbs and medicines can be very harmful or deadly if not taken properly. This herb can cause extreme sweating and salivating. When taking the herb inappropriately it can cause extreme frothing at the mouth until potential death. It is a strong herb and thought to be a stimulant for hair growth.
3. Lavender & Basil Oil - Combine 1 pint of 75% alcohol, 1 ounce of lavender water, 30 drops of oil of lavender, 30 drops of oil of sweet basil into an amber hued glass bottle. Keep the bottle in a cool dry location while it's marinating. Allow the mixture to stand and marinate for up to three months before using. Shake the mixture well on a weekly basis to keep ingredient saturated. Women in Arab countries use this mixture to perfume this hair as well as stimulate hair growth. They also use it as a root stimulate by massaging into the roots. 4. Olive Hair Stimulant Oil - Add 1 teaspoon of oil of rosemary and 5 drops of essential oil of lemon grass to 4 ounces of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Use organic ingredients when possible. 5. Rosemary - Known as Rosmarinus officinalis this herb has been used for centuries in medicine and cosmetics. Its name menas "fond of the sea". An infusion of rosemary leaves when combined as borax is used as a hair wash to prevent baldness or slow hair loss.
Rosemary Hair Stimulant - Simmer 1/2 ounce of fresh rosemary herbs in 1 cup of distilled water for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and then massage into roots of hair to encourage hair growth. 6. Kelp - Is a brown seaweed which is a great source of alkali, calcium, sulphur, iodine and silicon. It can be taken internally or externally to encourage hair growth and health. Kelp tea can also be brewed, allowed to cool and then the liquid can be used to massage roots. SummaryHerbs have been used for centuries to provide everything from pain relief to healing for a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions. Herbs can be used both externally and internally but should always be used with extreme care. For the best results always make sure to buy the highest quality organic and authentic herbs possible. Beware of buying products which are synthetic or potentially full of pesticides which can cause toxic reactions.
When in doubt never use herbs in any home recipe without first receiving permission from your primary health physician. Herbs should also never be used when under a doctors care for a health issue or when taken prescription drugs. Some herbs may interact appropriately with the drugs. *Some of these recipes are based upon information published in Herbs & Things by Jeanne Rose's Herbal first published in 1972. Social Media Network InformationPlease follow me on Twitter at: I look forward to meeting new people from all walks of Twitter and learning from their Tweets. Visit us at located at:, on Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. Thank you for visiting us at The HairBoutique Blog and for leaving your comments. They are very much appreciated. We apologize in advance but must remove any direct advertisements or solicitations. - Revised Publication Date: 04/26/11 | |||||||||||||||
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