JerkyFlea: Jan/Feb 2000

JerkyFlea: Jan/Feb 2000

Author: JerkyFlea

Date: Jan/Feb 2000


Before I get to the various Fleamail this month, I want to take a minute to thank the folks who are constantly forwarding me ideas and/or pictures, such as Dan P. and Hal.  Also, my month wouldn't be complete without getting a complete column review from Andy S. (more on him later) and usually David M..  I know I'm leaving off several other folks with whom I frequently correspond (such as Kathleen C., Jessica, and Dave D., and Jena), but don't think just because I didn't list your name that  I don't appreciate the email you send.  I do make a point of reading and responding to all of them.  And, as you well know, if it really piques my interest, asks an intriguing question, or just shamelessly lavishes praise upon me, it'll find it's way into the in the column. 

Even if it doesn't, don't let that stop you from the praise lavishing thing.  Seriously.  Anyway, on to the letters, which you're getting an extra dose of this month since we're Fleatureless...


Remember back in Updates when I said that I should read my own stuff more often?   Well, this is why:

Regarding your article on BRITTANY & CYNTHIA DANIEL and the minor tidbit on Brittany Daniel, I would like to point out a couple of errors you have made.

First of all, in your June column, you stated that Brittany wanted to dye her hair red and Cynthia wanted to cut her hair short. That was incorrect.
I have read that same article and discovered that T1 was Cynthia and T2 was Brittany, not the other way around. If you remember in the article, the
reporter mentioned T1 was eating a fruit salad and if you've seen the picture that goes with the article, you can see Cynthia eating a fruit salad therefore verifying that T1 is Cynthia.

Second, in your little note on Brittany, you stated that she was the one who starred in the Biore and 10-10-9000 commercial. That was also incorrect. Cynthia was the one who did both commercials, not Brittany. Both twins did cut their hair short but Cynthia's is longer and darker because she recently dyed hers brown. I just wanted to clear that up because you obviously seemed slightly confused on those facts.
- Kelsie

You know, I'd be really annoyed by this type of anal-retentive nitpicking if...well...she wasn't exactly right.  In the June column, I wrestled for quite a while as to which twin was "T1" and which was "T2".  T1 said in the interview she wanted to go short and since I had found a picture of Cynthia with short hair (in the Biore and 10-10-9000 commercials), I made the incorrect assumption that the twin wanting to cut her hair (T1) was her.  And I was wrong.

To further compound the problem, when I later reported on Brittany being on "Dawson's Creek", I contradicted my own earlier report and said that Brittany was in the aforementioned commercials and not Cynthia as I had previously (and correctly) reported before.  So, to clarify, here are the pics of each:


There, isn't that clearer now?  Didn't think so.

Anyway, thanks to Kelsie for clearing this up and in the future I shall do my best to avoid this kind of factual mix-up by avoiding reporting on twins wherever possible...or at least not identifying which is which (see previous Olsen twins tidbit).


Got a couple of emails regarding  my question of what TV or movie star from the 50s, or 60s that JENNY McCARTHY's new hairstyle and color remind me of, since I couldn't put my finger on it:

I think Jenny McCarthy looks like Jackie O, Kennedy's wife with that hairdo. I'm not sure if that's who you were thinking of but that's what comes to my mind. I really think it looks awful and out of style. 
- Kristina

Jenny McCarthy's new hair color and style reminds me of a very young Liz Taylor.  Maybe that's who you were thinking of.
- Mickey


Jackie O and Liz, huh?  I guess I can kind of see that.  Thinking about it more, I keep coming back to a brunette Elizabeth Montgomery (Samantha from "Bewitched").  Then again, I said that about Teri Hatcher too.  Maybe I'm just fixated.


Had a few readers comment on EILEEN DAVIDSON's new and old 'dos:

Eileen Davidson used to be on another soap 
"Days of Our Lives" and the stylists on that show really have a problem.  I remember a few times they styled Eileen's hair, straight down, with these 
ridiculous "I just unraveled my braid" waves that hung around her face and looked HORRIBLE, hair sprayed and just plain skanky.  On Y & R it looks 
pretty good, as did her long hair when they styled it correctly. 
- RockSiren

As for the positive hairdos, the only one I saw that really struck me as a great new look was Eileen Davidson. Although I loved her long hair, this is a great short cut. I don't remember having seen this cut & style on another star (correct me if I'm wrong). I think it looks "fresh" and "new".
- Kristina

I would agree with both folks here.  By the way, anyone figured out why it looks "fresh" yet?  I'm still working on it.  Kinda of like that "mutton dressed as lamb" thing.
The phrase "mutton dressed as lamb" refers to an older woman trying to look younger. Mutton is an older sheep and doesn't taste nearly as good as lamb - but one would try to dress it up to look like the more tasty lamb on the plate
- Mamie G.
Oh, ok.  Thanks Mamie.  Hey, got any ideas on "fresh"?

An other reader wrote with an explanation of OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN's dark rooted mess:

Just read your review of Olivia Newton-John's new chopped up look.  I believe she had to do it that way for an upcoming movie where she plays a redneck waitress who is a wannabe country singer or something.  I read that in People Magazine or one of those weekly rags.  So, hopefully, she knows it doesn't look good and will change when the movie is done.
- Ellen A. 
Ah, light at the end of the tunnel.  I knew she was in a movie, but stupidly didn't put two and two together.  By the way, even though I'm from the South, my buddy Skeeter and I are going to ignore that redneck remark. J

Ok, I'll warn you ahead of time that these next two are long, but there's a reason.  First, we have Betsy S., whose letter you can only appreciate in its rapid-fire entirety (with my comments sprinkled throughout in black italics):

Had to comment:

Gwen Stefani does NOT look good with hot pink hair. Although it is very punk to have hot pink hair, it is not punk to keep it for so long. How shocking is that?

You know if you use "punk" and "pink" a few more times in that sentence, you have a great tongue twister.

No one should ever say anything good about Britney Spears (okay she has a good voice, but can some one say "if Tiffany were a slut?") Maybe if we ignore her she'll go away, Tiffany and Debbie Gibson did (am I dating myself?).

Yeah, but we'd still be left with Christina Aguliera, Jessica Simpson, and Mandy Moore.  By the way, am I the only person that thinks Jessica and Mandy are the same person?

Oh, and Tiffany wasn't a slut? J

Lauren Holly is very attractive, but her hair looks like she bought it. It washes her out and it doesn't look real. I far prefer the shoulder length do of yore.

We'll agree to disagree.  And good use of "yore".

Regarding Keri Russell, I agree. It is far easier to hide behind long hair. However, you are right. Her hair sucks. Maybe it seems as bad as it is because she had such great hair prior to the chopping.

To quote Bart Simpson, "I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows."

Shannon Dougherty: I am glad she finally has great hair and got her teeth fixed. All those years on 90210 with those stupid short bangs and the gap in her teeth. Hell, even her coloring has improved. 

Charlize Theron has never looked quite right as a blonde. Maybe it's the shade, but she looks far better as a brunette.

Uh...I'll assume after those last two comments that the carbon monoxide filling your room became overwhelming at this point and you became delirious. J

I don't care for Angelina Jolie as a blonde either. Actually I like her hair best very dark and very short. Although it did look good in the movie about the air traffic controllers w/John Cusack.

I'll agree on dark, not necessarily on short.  Thought she looked best in "Gia" on HBO (as shown at right).

Funny, Jenny McCarthy looks like a cross between Courtney Cox Arquette and Patty Duke!

You know, that's oddly almost nails it exactly.  Heheh.

I do have a beef. I love the new Olivia Newton John look. I think the bob was getting tired and made her look old. I guess her health is improved and she wants to start anew. I think the shorter do is slimming and erases most of the wrinkles. I just hate to see Sandy from Grease looking old. Makes me feel the same!

Open a window, the gas is building up again!  I can, however, sympathize with the age thing.  Realizing that Susanna Hoffs of The Bangles is  nearing 40 depresses the hell out of me.

Rose McGowan hasn't been blonde in awhile. Ever see Jawbreakers? (Nice hair in that movie on the dead girl and Rebecca Gayheart). I'm not sure what her appeal is either, although I do like Claire Danes.

I don't care what Alanis Morrissette does with her hair. She still looks like a horse.

You just made my drink come out my nose.  Thanks. J

Yeah! Liv Tyler grew out her hair.

And there was much rejoicing

Guess that's enough ranting.

Yeah, but wasn't it fun?

Brittany Daniels picture courtesy Entertainment Tonight Online, Cynthia Daniels picture courtesy The Sweet Valley Style Files, Jenny McCarthy pictures courtesy Entertainment Tonight Online and Reuters, Olivia Newton-John picture courtesy Reuters

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